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        Story by Coffee t&i Thailand / Photo by Pangmao coffee
        Pangmao coffee, Lampang’s finest

               One Tambon One Product (OTOP), was the project   my own business venture in 1997 by took over this coffee farm
        launched to support local business and entrepreneur by man-  from the Japanese company. I began with selling just green coffee
        age or use local resources and turn them into premium prod-  bean to anyone and started to roast our own coffee in 2001, dur-
        uct, which has unique identity and in line with local culture.   ing the beginning stage, our primary focus was Lampang OTOP,
        The product can be marketed both domestic and international   then escalated product quality from 3 stars to 5 as in present
        without support from government budget. One of these OTOP   day”. Initially, the farm was 202 Rai and as of today to farm cov-
        projects that has been developed rapidly to earned acceptance   ers 222 Rai, including 60 members of villagers. Mr. Pansak breed
        from domestic and international market is “Pangmao coffee”   the coffee, then local farmer will grow them. He also assure the
        from Lampang Province. Mr. Pansak Sriwong, the executive of   price purchasing the coffee bean from local farmer as well. Coffee
        Pangmao coffee will tell us the story, so we will find out more   varieties in Pangmao farm includes Catimor, Bourbon, Typica,
        about this coffee farm.                              Yellow Mountain, Red Mountain, etc.
               “Pangmao is village’s name that located in Tambon      During his time as employee, Mr. Pansak had experience
        Wangngoen, Amphoe Maeta, Lampang. The landscape is moun-  from staff level to factory manager. Personally, he is a coffee
        tain area which is 1,000 meter above sea level, cold climate, and   person, and he has been involved in coffee industry since he was
        the high quality soil came from the humidity level here. In year   fresh graduated, so he finds coffee industry is interesting ever
        1986, the Japanese researcher interested to come in and tried to   since. “I began my career as coffee shop staff, shop manager,
        grow different type of coffee in this village. Later on, Mr. Pansak   marketing manager, factory manager, and lastly general manager.
        who has already had experience growing Robusta coffee in the   Each job I took, they were all in coffee industry. During my first
        southern Thailand and has been working with Japanese cof-  couple of days, I had a chance to tried coffee, I knew why coffee
        fee farmer in this village, see the opportunity to develop more   is so interesting from its smell and taste”. Apart from learning
        business as well as generate more income to local resident, so   from his experience, he practiced coffee testing and implemented
        he bought the coffee farm from previous owner in year 1997   knowledge to his business. He also learned coffee roasting from
        and named the farm “Pangmao coffee farm”. “I have worked for   his experience and gained more knowledge by follow the industry
        Japanese firm doing coffee business for 17 years, then I began   trend, and used them to develop his own unique coffee profile.
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