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Cover Story
Story / Photos by Coffee t&i Thailand
Water : Coffee’s Best Friend
Coffee and water go way back, water is always associated What is Water?
with coffee at nearly every step of the way from seed to cup, from Water is a clear, tasteless liquid made up of two Hy-
watering coffee trees to processing to extracting. But we will not drogen atoms and one Oxygen atom - H2O. Imagine water as a
go too far, let’s focus on what we can put our hands on. Coffee in blank canvas that the flavors of coffee are painted on. But to fully
your cup is 98% water and you might wonder why it is coffee’s understand water, first we need to talk about extraction. Matt
best friend. This is because the taste you find in your coffee was Perger of Barista Hustle sums it up nicely:
extracted by water, and it extracts by the property of water. Just
like best friends, you shine at your best when you are with them.
What water do you use to brew your coffee? Is it tap water? Or
mineral water? Or filtered? You might think that it does not make
any differences, but it does!
2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom - H2O Matt Perger of Barista Hustle