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Catch Up
Tea Masters Cup Vietnam 2016 Chose the Winners
Tea Masters Cup Vietnam (TMCVN) is a competition among young tea masters from all over Vietnam. TMCVN
is the national version of International Tea Masters Cup. The qualifying national round was held by Vietnam Tea
Association in corporation with: The People Committee of Hoan Kiem district and Hanoi Promotion Agency. 20
young talents from different counties of Vietnam has participated and competed in 3 categories: Tea Preparation,
Tea Pairing and Tea Tasting. They all showed great performance of tea preparation, tea pairing and tea tasting which
demonstrated their skill, creativity and passion for this rustic beverage.
After intense competition the judges chose 3 champions, who are: Mr Nguyen Viet Hung– champion of Tea
Preparation, Nguyen Thi Quy– champion of Tea Pairing, Pham Thi Quyen– champion of Tea Tasting. And the rest
17 contestants were honored with certification for participating .The champions will be sent to compete in the
international final round of Tea Masters Cup 2017. Let’s wish them luck!
Ice Cream for Breakfast Can Make You Smarter
Japanese scientists have discovered that con-
suming ice cream for breakfast improves reaction
and information-processing capabilities. Yoshihiko
Koga, a professor at Tokyo’s Kyorin University, car-
ried out a series of clinical trials, in which partici-
pants were required to eat ice cream first thing in the
morning, and then had to complete a series of mental
exercises on a computer. Koga found that compared
to a control group who hadn’t had ice cream, those
who had eaten it for breakfast exhibited an increase
in alpha waves in brain, which are associated with
concentration, relaxation and mental co-ordination.
And for those of you, who think that the results
are just down to the shock of eating something icy,
Koga repeated the same tests with cold water instead
of ice cream. Tests displayed a degree of increased
alertness and mental capacity, although the levels
were much lower than among subjects who started
the day with ice cream. So may be we all should listen
to science and start a day with this icy “brainy” treat.