Page 79 - #58 English
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today or tries to sell the Kenyan offering as an extra hot soy
something, then this is simply not good enough. And let’s be
honest, it is not hard to get this right, is it? It’s not as if we are
requesting the same level of intensity as wine servers, who need
to have knowledge on an entire menu including reds, whites,
sparklings, regions, varietals, oak levels and flavours. If we want
to be aligned at the same professional standard as the wine in-
dustry, then we better lift our game.
So what is essential information for coffee service? Again
we first must refer back to my previous point regarding a tailored
approach to each customer, understanding that some customers
just want their caffeine fix. This is more than ok, the last thing
this aforementioned customer wants at 6:30am is a barista chirp-
ing on about jasmine aromas; instead nurture them into the cold
reality of morning, giving them what it is they most desire, a
damn fine coffee. Equally so, we must be alert to the inquisitive
coffee enthusiast who wants to explore, learn and converse.
Encouraging this sort of conversation with customers is essen-
tial for spread of specialty coffee, but far too often this discourse
is conflated with pretentiousness, elitism or, on the other end
of the scale, a lack of knowledge on the part of the barista.
Baristas need to be well versed in the coffees they are
replacement in the pursuit of coffee communication. Servers (or
waitstaff) in specialty coffee shops have a responsibility to un-
It’s a hard knack to grasp, but getting derstand the product they are selling. Such an in depth under-
standing is not as necessary as for a barista, but being able to
customers excited about coffee is an understand what coffees are available, where they are from, how
they taste and how they would be best enjoyed is imperative for
effective step in creating strong relation- good service. In many establishments, servers are not baristas
and vice-versa, therefore the service team is responsible for the
ships that will result in better business. making customers feel comfortable, uniquely cared for (through
tailored rapport) and opening up initial conversations about cof-
fee, all in all the service team, in many instances, is the face of
serving, not only understanding their own choices as a barista the establishment.
but also processing type of each coffee and an ability to com- It would be fair to say that coffee, in it’s current iteration,
municate the difference in processes (what each entails and how is tasting better than ever. Specialty coffee can be found in every
this effects cup character). Amongst this knowledge a barista major city and even in most large townships. Through advancing
should also understand how the terroir of each coffee being technology, coffee quality will continue to get better and as it
served might effect flavor, how roasting has been used to bring does sloppy service will no longer suffice. Even now it is clear
certain qualities forward and of course some information on that quality alone is not enough to keep customers coming back
sourcing, to ensure conscious consumers of a sustainable pur- for more. Great service has the ability to provide customers with
chase despite the lack of certifications. Needless to say this in- a home away from home, to engage in discussions about coffee
formation need not be riddled off in excess to a point of non- with people at various stages of their coffee journey and to show-
sensical drab, but rather, a barista can condense it into key points case our industry at the forefront of progressive, culinary experi-
to help a customer understand more about their complexity of ences. So let’s do it properly.
coffee production, the source of flavor and help with the choice
of coffee. You may have noticed recently, your daily coffee be-
ing served accompanied with a little card companion. Their
general aim is to easily convey terroir background and flavor ABOUT AUTHOR
profiles, providing the customer with the comfort to digest in-
formation at their will. Although I think this is a great idea in Michael Munroe,
allowing customers to engage at their preference, it can unfor- Instagram:,
tunately lead to laziness in the staff involved. These cards,
beneficial as they are, should be used as an aid rather than a