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P. 107
Ending Fine Dinner weekends more families and children go for a walk
throughout the day. Italians will change attire “to
The heart of Italian culture is food. Not just any kind see and be seen”, swap news and gossip, and catch up
of food but products that are grown locally and in-season. with family and friends over gelato. Originally, the
Sorbetto ( made of sugar, frozen water, and fresh fruit) custom was practiced by single women eligible to
is typically used by Italians to cleanse the palate between marry but passeggiata has become an integral part of
courses or dishes in order to appreci- everyday life. All ages from young
ate the subtle differences between children to adults participate in
“pasti,” “dishes,” whereas gelato is passeggiata and many cities
thought of as a dessert, or the cap- would designate car-free areas for
stone to a meal. a safe passeggiata.
Walking With Youk Improving Your Health
Slow walks, strolling through In fact, eating gelato as a meal
the streets, and enjoying the city is not only an Italian Summer habit,
around is what Italian like to do but has been adviced by doctors to
and custom. However nowadays, Italians still enjoy cure various diseases. Long time ago, in the 17th century,
their gelato at various times of day, but typically doctors already discovered therapeutic value of gelato and
after dinner while taking a walk, which they call a its positive effect on health and mood. It is high in proteins,
“passeggiata.” As such, gelato’s regularly enjoyed on calcium, and vitamin B2. It’s a healthier alternative to ice
standing or seated in a piazza(exactly what Audrey cream produced in the United States. Gelato is milk-based
Hepburn did in Roman Holiday). During the so it carries only about five percent fat compared to ten
week,take a walk in the evening relaxes a lot.On percent in the industrial kind of a treat.
with gelato