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c    Origin


                  Mexico and El Salvador Mexico was next to start   Guatemala Finally, the last of the horsemen, Guate-
                  growing coffee commercially in 1790, the same year   mala, began growing coffee commercially in 1850, the
                  the first wholesale coffee roasting plant opened in the   same year the first cylinder pulper was manufactured.
                  United States, on Great Dock Street in New York. As   As with El Salvador, Guatemala was heavily reliant on
                  with Costa Rica, the first seeds to be planted in Mexi-  the indigo crop, but the emergence of synthetic dyes
                  co are thought to have come from Cuba.Central   reduced demand dramatically and the government
                  America began exporting coffee to the United States   proactively promoted the switch to coffee by distribut-
                  in 1840, the same year commercial coffee cultivation   ing millions of seeds to farmers. Coffee farming began
                  came to El Salvador, though coffee was likely grown   to increase dramatically around 1875. Although coffee
                  for household use much earlier. Although commercial   farming practices are similar to other countries in the
                  coffee production came relatively late to El Salvador,   region, Guatemala has an abundance of both water and
                  the industry grew rapidly as worldwide demand for   volcanic soil compared to its neighbors. It cannot be
                  indigo, the countries pri-                                       said that the civil war,
                  mary crop, declined. By                                          which lasted over 30 years,
                  1900 coffee growth had                                           had no effect on coffee
                  surpassed that of indigo   The country invested heavily          production, but relative to
                  and wealthy coffee pro-                                          the effect of internal unrest
                  ducers reordered the rul-  in coffee and by 1980 coffee          on coffee in other Central
                  ing class. The country                                           American countries, the
                  invested heavily in coffee   accounted for over 50% of GDP.      industry in Guatemala
                  and by 1980 coffee ac-                                           thrived. A coffee associa-
                  counted for over 50% of                                          tion, Anacafe, was formed
                  GDP. As a result of inter-                                       in the early 1960’s and has
                  nal unrest, volatility in the coffee market, and increased   done an exceptional job organizing producers and
                  production in other countries, coffee now accounts for   marketing their coffee to the world. Anacafe identified
                  less than 5% of GDP. Nevertheless, El Salvador remains   and responded to the needs of the specialty coffee
                  and important origin for specialty coffee, in no small   sector very early, compared to other countries.
                  part because 80% of coffee is grown under shade.

                       We are decades past the days when the coffee trade considered one Central American coffee as good as an-
                   other (“I need a horse,” pit traders were known to yell, back in the day). Today, not only are the Four Horsemen
                   as distinct from one another as their namesakes, but within each country, identifying micro-climates, farms
                   within micro-climates, and micro-lots within farms, is common.

           Ref.                     Olam Coffee is an importer, exporter, producer and marketplace for the finest specialty green coffees.

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