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a significant environmental challenge. According to a new use for it, thanks to the technology and innovation of the coffee industry should lead to. He stated: “Being
2013 research paper published in the Journal of Clean- that we carry forward in LOWPOLY.” from a smaller town in Spain, we had the necessity to
er Production, spent coffee grounds (SCG) account for establish a flagship in one of Spain’s main cities to find
a substantial portion of organic waste that ends up in A Coffee Shop Made by Coffee ourselves one step closer to our customers and grow
landfills. The world produces approximately 60 million our brand perception.”
tons of SCG annually, with Australia alone generating Michael Uhlig has always held the idea of sus- Uhlig envisioned a flagship coffee shop where
around 75,000 tonnes of coffee ground waste each year. tainability in the coffee industry dear to his heart. As every element would be sustainable, from the furni-
One of the most concerning aspects of food waste the founder of D·Origen Coffee Roasters, when he first ture to the very fabric of the space. In line with this
is its potential to generate methane gas, which is 21 opened his coffee shop in Spain, everything was de- vision, he sought to create something from waste that
In the heart of Barcelona, D·Origen Coffee Roast- times more potent than CO2. Additionally, the decom- veloped around sustainability. The coffee shop itself could be used in the new shop. He believes that every
ers, a renowned coffee shop, has just unveiled the position process releases other greenhouse gases, such is a pioneer of serving specialty coffee sourced from small step counts to achieve sustainability in the cof-
world’s first 3D-printed furniture made entirely from as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and ammonia. With their coffee plantation in Panama, working closely with fee industry. After searching for a few differentiating
coffee grounds in its new flagship store. The pioneer- millions of tons of food waste being generated daily, it the producers to ensure the high quality of the coffees designs based on sustainability, he eventually came
ing achievement is a testament to the company’s com- is crucial that we find solutions to reduce waste sent to they brew. The coffee shop has won the best specialty across LOWPOLY. LOWPOLY is a Madrid-based com-
mitment to sustainability. LOWPOLY, a Madrid-based landfills and instead turn them into valuable commer- coffee in Spain three times. “In the end, sustainability pany dedicated to robotics and large-scale 3D printing
company specializing in robotics and large-scale 3D cial applications. By doing so, not only will we help mit- is not only recyclable products but also fair working to convert waste into products established in 2018.
printing, collaborated with D·Origen to create this igate the consequences of global warming, but we will conditions and sustainable pricing structures, which we Gianluca Pugliese is the founder and director
unique space. They used the groundbreaking LOW- also contribute to the economy. are very sensitive to in regards to coffee production in of LOWPOLY, who is dedicated to design as a way to
IMPACT material, a blend of recycled PLA and coffee The founder of LOWPOLY and the leader of the countries of origin,” said Uhlig. solve problems. He has been appointed Ambassador
grounds, to construct the entire coffee shop area from D·Origen Coffee Shop project, Gianluca Pugliese, al- Of course, the coffee itself is not the only aspect of Italian Design in Spain and is among the pioneers
used coffee grounds. ways believed in the power of food waste as a potential of sustainability in the coffee industry that Uhlig is of 3D printing in Europe. The company has previously
element for manufacturing materials. The company has paying attention to. Today, as D·Origen Coffee Roast- collaborated with Adidas, Armani, LVMH, and many
Why Coffee Waste? used food waste from oranges, grapes, bananas, and ers becomes more and more successful, it serves more others on innovative and sustainable projects. “Their
olives in past projects, with coffee grounds being their than 200 wholesale customers and has expanded to flexibility and proactivity quickly turned into a great
When grabbing a quick cup of coffee on the go, it’s latest endeavour. “The use of recycled coffee grounds in three coffee shops, including the new flagship in Bar- relationship, allowing us to find the inspiration for the
easy to overlook the fate of the used coffee grounds. design carries significant environmental implications,” celona. Uhlig wanted to showcase his vision of sustain- final design you can find in our coffee shop in Barcelo-
However, the disposal of these waste materials poses says Pugliese. “I think it is interesting to try to find a ability in this new flagship space and what the future na,” Uhlig said in the interview.!
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