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Meticulous Espresso, A Ro- Nunc, An AI-Enhanced Aiden Precision Coffee Mak-
botic Lever Espresso Machine Espresso Making System er, Fellow’s First Brewer
Meticulous Espresso was conceived For those who seek the perfect cup For coffee enthusiasts who value both
from the ground up to redefine the without the hassle, Nunc offers a new form and function, Fellow is
home brewing experience by a team paradigm. Born from the collaborative synonymous with innovation and
of designers, engineers and coffee efforts of a diverse team including a style. Known for their sleek coffee
lovers. Leveraging the latest in two-time barista champion, a rocket accessories, the San Francisco-based
robotics and high-precision sensors, scientist, an engineer, a designer, and company has now ventured into the
it offers unparalleled control and an IoT expert, Nunc introduces an realm of brewing with the Aiden
consistency. Powered by a digital elegant espresso machine and grinder Precision Coffee Maker. With its
motor and an array of sensors, pairing. The Portafilter Machine and understated aesthetic reminiscent of
Meticulous Espresso replicates the Grinder utilize AI-enhanced tech- Fellow’s iconic products like the EKG
nuanced brewing process of manual nology to streamline coffee brewing. Electric Stagg Kettle, the Aiden
lever machines with remarkable With a sensor-driven system designed Precision Coffee Maker stands out for
accuracy. From monitoring water to remove guesswork, Nunc promises more than just its looks. Offering two
temperature and pressure to adjusting precision and consistency in every brew baskets for versatile brewing
flow rate and brew ratio in real-time, cup. Curated by Dutch Barista options, it seamlessly transitions from
every aspect is meticulously controlled Champion, Coen van Sprang, Nunc brewing a full pot to a single cup
to produce the perfect espresso with offers a selection of coffee profiles in without compromising quality.
each pull. With an integrated high- convenient pod-like capsules. The Designed to bridge the gap between
precision scale, intuitive interface, and SmartHopper recognizes and adjusts pour-over and batch brewing methods,
customizable profiles, it empowers parameters for optimal brewing, the Aiden features adjustable settings
both enthusiasts and experts to craft ensuring a personalized experience for temperature and flow rate,
their ideal espresso with ease. The with minimal effort. ensuring precise extraction every
perfect espresso deserves the perfect time. Whether you’re a seasoned
companion, that’s why they created coffee aficionado or just starting out,
Meticulous Milk, letting you achieve the Aiden’s smart features, including
perfectly textured milk in seconds. built-in brew profiles and scheduling
In coffee brewing, innovation elevates the experience. This
capabilities via an app, cater to all
category showcases cutting-edge products embodying innova- preferences and lifestyles.
tion in every aspect. From AI to precision engineering, they
redefine coffee brewing. With user-friendly interfaces and
smart connectivity, they empower enthusiasts. Explore innova- GFMMPXQSPEVDUT DPN
tive brewing with AI-enhanced espresso making system Nunc,
Meticulous Espresso, and Aiden Precision Coffee Maker. GOOD THINGS
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