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 CTI: Can  you  elaborate  on  the  process  of   Now, two good examples of unique biographies from
 selecting cover designs for so cool..magazine,   the first issue of so cool..magazine are Carlo Guerriero
 and how do you ensure they capture the es-  and Cathrine Østerberg.
 sence of the first issue?  The first is a man with a soul divided in two, one half
 corresponds  to  science  and  research,  and  the  other  half
 Luis: I believe that selecting a cover follows an intense   belongs to the ice cream artisan. And the most interesting
 process  of  debate  and  discussion,  which  is  essential  to   thing is that both worlds feed off each other in it.
 choosing the best cover. In the specific case of the first   The second example is a Dane who, despite her youth,
 issue of a new magazine like so cool..magazine, the debate   already owns two ice cream parlors in Copenhagen and one
 was especially broad and enriching for everyone. The de-  in Vietnam, a training school and a book under her arm, Ice
 bate was one of the longest and most intense in the histo-  Cream - According to Osterberg. A great example to follow.
 ry of our publishing group and involved all departments
 and all employees.   CTI: How do you see the role of ice cream
 In the end, we chose a cover that brings together the   evolving in the pastry, chocolate, restaurant
 qualities that the first issue should have, the Croissant ice   dessert, and haute cuisine sectors?
 cream with apple tatin by pastry chef David Gil and ice
 cream maker Albert Soler. A mimetic in which technique   Luis: Ice cream had often been considered a minor disci-
 and image break the mold in ice cream and, by extension,   pline of gastronomy for two main reasons. On the one hand,
 in the sweet world.  the potential of ice cream and the complex and advanced
    work  methodology  used  by  ice  cream  makers  were  un-
 CTI:  How  does so cool..magazine  adapt  to   known. On the other hand, the world of ice cream had not
 changing consumer preferences and industry   been able to seduce other sectors with its attributes.
 trends, ensuring its content remains relevant   However,  in  recent  years  this  has  changed.  The  ice
 and engaging over time?  cream world has made great progress in technique and pres-
 entation, and there is a growing number of chefs from other
 Luis: Our team of journalists and international delegates   sectors who see ice cream as a valuable ally of their creations.
 and photographers are very attentive to trends and chang-  All this has allowed ice cream to be a more than con-
 es  in  the  sweet  world. In  addition,  we  are  in  permanent   solidated  product  in  other  sectors,  such  as  pastry  and
                                                          Luis: Our publishing experience in magazines such as Arte
 contact with chefs who are at the forefront of sectors such   cooking. Despite everything, there is still a long way to go.
                                                          Heladero and Dulcypas has shown us that a magazine has to
 as ice cream, pastry and cooking and we thoroughly work      be  much  more  than  a  simple  publication  to  become  an
 on current news on our websites.   CTI: How does so cool..magazine maintain its   actor in its sector.
 All  this  allows  us  to  stay  up  to  date  not  only  with   distinct editorial voice while catering to di-  Thanks to this involvement, we have managed to be
 trends, but also and above all with techniques, concepts   verse interests within the ice cream, gelato,   a reference media, with enough power to unite/structure
 and ingredients that will become trends in the future.  pastry, and lifestyle communities?  CTI: How does so cool..magazine engage with   sectors whose chefs are usually dispersed and focused
 But what we are truly interested in is providing ele-  its readers beyond the printed pages, such   on their business.
 ments that allow the ice cream world to advance, regardless   Luis:  We  reflect  the  best  version  of  ice  cream  in  all  its   as through digital platforms or live events?  With so cool..magazine we have confirmed more than
 of whether they are a trend or not.  formats and registers. This argument is the common denom-
                                                          ever that the ice cream has a universal language, which goes
    inator that unites our contents, collaborators and audiences
 CTI: Can you share examples of lifestyle and   with different professional profiles. And this is also what   Luis: The sectors we are dedicated to are relatively small   beyond gastronomic cultures and language differences.

 culture-focused content in so cool..maga-  gives us a unique and different voice from other magazines.  and we know a portion of our readers through the publish-  CTI: How does so cool..magazine balance the
 zine,  such  as  profiles  of  pastry  chefs,  ice      er’s other magazines. They are professionals who are very   educational aspects of its content, such as
 cream  entrepreneurs,  or  unique  ice  cream   passionate about the world of ice cream, as well as pastry   technical  recipes  and  tutorials,  with  more
 experiences?  and cooking. Let’s not forget that many of them are both
           collaborators and readers.                     aspirational and inspirational features?
               We  are  very  active  on  our  websites,  on  our  social
 Luis: In so cool..magazine, we don’t focus on the lifestyle
           media profiles, as well as on our Books for Chefs platform.   Luis: In  so  cool..magazine all  the  contents  are  designed
 of the chefs, but on their “work styles”, that is, how they
           All these fronts help strengthen the relationship we have   from this double perspective, training and inspiration-as-
 understand,  live  and  feel  ice  cream  and  their  different
           with our followers and understand their interests.  piration, or what is the same, pedagogy and motivation.
 professions in connection with this product.

           CTI: Are you trying to foster a sense of com-  CTI: What are some of the logistical chal-
           munity among its readers and contributors,     lenges involved in distributing so cool..mag-
           encouraging  collaboration  and  knowledge     azine to readers worldwide, and how do you
           sharing within the ice cream industry?         overcome them?

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