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 “For 40 years we have

 been defending the val-                                  Break!; Más; and 30 indispensable ice creams (Best Ice Cream

                                                          Book of the World 2018). He is also part of the team of jour-
                                                          nalists  of  other  magazines  like  Dulcypas,  so  good..maga-
                                                          zineđand Saber y Sabor.
 ue of technique and the                                  CTI: Can you share insights into the editori-
                                                              Here’s the conversation between Luis and CTI.

 beauty of ice cream. ”  technique and the beauty of ice cream. We have been look-  al process behind so cool..magazine, from the
               “For  40  years  we  have  been  defending  the  value  of
                                                          naming to determining who your audience is
                                                          to identifying trends to commissioning ar-
           ing for the best version of ice cream. And thanks to our
           collaborators, from Arte Heladero we have been weaving a   ticles and recipes?
           big family that has always believed in our work. All this has
           marked the starting point to decide to take a new step in   Luis:  We  chose  the  name  of  the  magazine  because  its
           ice cream. Thus was born so cool..magazine as the beginning   philosophy and image connect with our international and
           of a new love story with ice cream as the protagonist. Be-  most prestigious magazine in pastry arts, so good..magazine.
           cause we are talking about a passion that flourishes at the   In  so  cool..magazine,  we  are  looking  for  the  most
           highest  peaks.”  That’s  what  Arte  Heladero  magazine,a   avant-garde works in ice cream, both those which are in-
           long-running publication from Spain for professional pastry   novative in terms of technique and those that simply break
           chefs specializing in ice creams, sorbets, and other frozen   the mold in terms of creativity. We want to show what the
           curiosities, wrote on their instagram. Their first issue of   evolution in the ice cream world is, regardless of whether
           this new magazine became a reality in November 2023.  these contributions come from ice cream makers, pastry
               The  philosophy  of  so  cool..magazine  is  simple  yet   chefs or cooks. All these professional profiles are welcome
           profound: to showcase the most avant-garde works in ice   to the magazine. Our readership is also very broad and is
           cream, pushing the boundaries of technique and creativity.   aimed at all those who are interested in a product as ver-
           Whether it’s a revolutionary new flavor or a daring pres-  satile  as  ice  cream,  present  in  ice  cream  parlors,  haute
           entation, so cool..magazine aims to capture the evolution   cuisine, and pastry shops.
           of  ice  cream,  welcoming  contributions  from  ice  cream   Sometimes chefs contact us because they are working
           makers, pastry chefs, and cooks alike. With an internation-  on an interesting topic, other times we contact chefs who
           al audience in mind, the magazine aims to appeal to anyone   are  making interesting contributions  to  the  world  of ice
           with a passion for this versatile dessert, from ice cream   cream. In addition, we have delegates in such important
           parlors to haute cuisine establishments.       countries  in  the  sweet  world  as  France  (Verónica
               Behind every great publication lies a visionary, and   Bustamante), Japan (Reiko Matsuno) and the United States
           in the case of so cool..magazine, that visionary are Grupo   (Lisa Shames) to help us identify trends and chefs.
           Editorial Vilbo and their publishing label, Books for Chefs.
           so cool..magazine was born from their extensive experience   CTI: What role does visual storytelling play
           in  publishing  leading  ice  cream  magazines  such  as  Arte   in so cool..magazine, and how do you ensure
           Heladero and the global success of such an influential pub-  that photography and design enhance the
           lication in haute pastry as is so good..magazine.  reader’s experience?
               In  a  candid  interview,  Luis  Concepción  Sepúlveda,
           Director  of  Arte  Heladero  and so cool..magazine  shares   Luis: so cool..magazine is a very exclusive professional
           insights into the genesis of this new magazine, its editori-  magazine that aims to project the best version of ice cream
           al philosophy, and the profound impact it aims to have on   and ice cream making as a profession. It is an inspiring
           the ice cream industry worldwide.              publication  that  makes  a  difference  in  content  that  has
               Luis is a food journalist with more than 21 years of   been highly selected.
           experience in this field, as well as collaborating teacher at   One of the essential ways to achieve this is through a
           the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and scientific   very careful image of the creations and their production
           researcher  in  Communication  Sciences  at  the  Universitat   processes. In order to maintain a high standard of visual
           Ramon Llull. He has a PhD in Communication Sciences. He   quality, we send to our collaborators a Quick Guide with
           has directed ice cream and pastry books such as Evolution,   guidelines for preparing and sending photos.

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