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T Story / Bhavi Patel
Visiting quite a few tea gardens allowed me to look at my cup of tea from
a whole different perspective – seeing it as a product of the tireless efforts
of a tea producer, through rain, through sun, through everything.
Tea Landscape
Innovation & Diversification
Tea is one of the world’s oldest beverages and the second
most-consumed drink, after water, according to the Food & Agricul-
ture Organization. Millions of people reach out for their cup of tea
every morning to get them going for the day, to take a break during
the day, or to unwind in the evening. From time immemorial, tea has
offered comfort and refreshment to generations of people globally.
The global tea production amounts to over USD 17 billion an-
nually while the world tea trade is valued at about USD 9.5 billion.
World tea production increased to an estimated 6.5 million tonnes
in 2021, from 6.3 million tonnes in 2020. Over 60% of global tea
production is attributed to smallholder farmers. According to an
International Tea Market Report by Food and Agriculture Organiza-
tion of the United Nations, the world tea per capita consumption has
increased by about 2.5% over the past decade, with marked expansions
in tea-producing countries.
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