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 The power of influence comes

 with responsibilities too.

 The Coffee Hall of Fame  The  quality  parameter  is  also  something  celebrities
 should consider when endorsing a product. While research-
 Celebrity endorsement has long been an effective way   ing for this article, I noticed that most celebrity-endorsed
 for businesses to promote their products and services. With   coffee brands/products tend to focus on commodity over
 the rise of social media, celebrities have an even bigger plat-  specialty coffee. It’s interesting that though they have the
 form to influence what their followers buy. In industries such   power to introduce something new to the consumers, they
 as fashion and beauty, this influence has been particularly   are also influenced by what is commonly accepted.
 pronounced. Whether it’s a celebrity-designed clothing line   It is, however, important to note that celebrities have a
 or product endorsements from influencers, celebrities can   whole team of strategists, marketers and advisors who devise
 drive consumer behavior in powerful ways.  the best plan for their endorsements. If I had to guess, the
 In the coffee industry, celebrities can help drive sales by   main reason why celebrities focus more on commodity coffee
 making certain trends more popular. This is especially true in   over specialty is because some might not even know what
 cases where a celebrity’s influence on a certain trend is already   specialty coffee is.
 well-known,  as  many  customers  may  be  inspired  to  try  a   Yet, coffee is a beloved commodity that is increasingly
 product simply because “their favorite celebrity is using it.”  threatened by the effects of climate change and rising pro-
 There are many examples of celebrities endorsing spe-  duction costs. Pests, drought, and the pandemic have com-
 cialty coffee products, from George Clooney’s endorsement   bined to further complicate matters, resulting in coffee re-
 of Nespresso to Brad Pitt’s collaboration with De’Longhi. In   serves falling to their lowest levels in 20 years. This has forced
 addition,  many  celebrities  have  their  own  coffee  lines  or   prices up and made it harder for producers around the world
 endorsing coffee brands such as Tom Hanks, Emma Cham-  to obtain fair profits.
 berlain, George Clooney, Green Day, Hugh Jackman, Millie   That’s why celebrities can play a role in popularizing
 Bobby Brown, Sodagreen and many more.  efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change and other
 Celebrity endorsement can also influence the types of   threats to the coffee industry. When their favorite celebrity
 trends that become popular. For instance, if a celebrity en-  promotes a product, fans are more likely to take an interest
 dorses a specific type of coffee (i.e. cold brew), more people   in the industry and companies that are committed to sustain-
 may be inclined to try it out and the trend might become   able practices and community development.
 increasingly popular over time. Additionally, celebrities can   The  good  news  is  that  we’re  seeing  more  and  more
 also influence how certain trends are perceived and talked   endorsements from public figures for coffee companies with
 about in public forums such as social media, which may lead   good intentions. Marley Coffee, owned by Bob Marley’s son
 to an even greater increase in their popularity.  Rohan, was founded to create jobs in Jamaica. USA roaster
 However, the power of influence comes with respon-  La Colombe has partnered with Leonardo DiCaprio to pro-
 sibilities too. The coffee industry heavily relies on sustain-  duce a coffee blend that supports the environmental wing
 ability and ethical practices for its success, and celebrities   of his foundation.
 should take this into consideration when endorsing certain   For brands, having a well-known face associated with
 products or trends. In addition, celebrities should ensure   their product can help amplify their message whether it’s   Millie Bobby Brown
 that they are promoting products that offer real benefits to   about sustainability, transparency, flavor, or efficiency. It also
 their customers, rather than simply creating hype around a   helps customers understand the impact of their purchasing   She is the British actor and celebrity who launched new coffee line of
 trend in order to boost sales.  decisions and encourages them to make sustainable choices.  Florence by Mills Coffee in 2023.

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