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                                                                                                                          Trends can come and go in the blink of an eye. One day it’s   tastes, values and beliefs that form shared assumptions about what
                                                                                                                      all about coffee capsules, the next everyone’s talking about cold   people should do or believe. It’s important to consider how these
                                                                                                                      brew. Deciding which trends to follow and which to avoid can be   underlying cultural norms affect consumer preferences and in-
                                                                                                                      tough for any business, particularly in the specialty coffee indus-  dustry developments.
                                                                                                                      try where customer loyalty is key.                 Looking into consumer behavior can provide valuable in-
                                                                                                                          When deciding whether or not to follow a trend, it’s impor-  sights into which trends are likely to have the most impact on any
                                                                                                                      tant to consider factors such as consumer demand, cost-effective-  business. For example, if customers are looking for convenience,
                                                                                                                      ness and potential market saturation. Trends driven by consum-  businesses might focus on trends like mobile-friendly ordering
                                                                                                                      er demand may indicate an upsurge in sales if they’re adopted   systems or delivery services.
                                                                                                                      correctly, while those that do not reflect current consumer be-  It’s also important to understand why certain trends become
                                                                                                                      havior may not have the same success.          popular. Is it because of their novelty, their price point, or some-
                                                                                                                          When it comes to cost-effectiveness, businesses should   thing else entirely? Understanding the motivations behind cus-
                                                                                                                      consider whether or not investing in a trend will be worth the   tomer behavior can help businesses make informed decisions
                                                                                                                      cost. For example, if the trend you’re considering focusing on is   when picking which trends to follow.
                                                                                                                      already too saturated, you may find that your investment won’t   Celebrities may also have a huge influence on consumer
                                                                                                                      yield the returns that you want.               behavior. People are often drawn to trends that their favorite
                                                                                                                          Trends in specialty coffee are often driven by both consumers   celebrities endorse, and this can be particularly true in the spe-
                                                                                                                      and industry professionals. Consumers tend to determine which   cialty coffee industry. People may be more likely to try a new
                                                                                                                      trends become popular, while industry experts can help bring these   product if they see their favorite celebrity enjoying it, and this
                                                                                                                      trends into reality through their expertise and experience.  can lead to an increase in sales for businesses.
                                                                                                                          On the consumer side, customer feedback and market re-  Trends in the specialty coffee industry might also be influ-
                                                                                                                      search are key. Specialty coffee businesses often use customer   enced by larger trends that are taking place across industries. For
                                                                                                                      surveys to figure out which trends their customers are most in-  example, if plant-based food options become popular in the
                                                                                                                      terested in, and then create products or services to match this   restaurant industry, you may find that customers begin to expect
                                                                                                                      demand. They can also look for clues in social media posts, articles,   vegan alternatives when it comes to their specialty coffee orders.
                                                                                                                      and other sources of consumer data.                At the same time, trends in specialty coffee can also inform
                                                                                                                          From an industry perspective, businesses must be aware   larger markets. For example, cold brew coffee has become in-
                                                           When I think of specialty coffee, I’m reminded of          of the latest developments in coffee-making, equipment and   creasingly popular over the past few years, leading to a surge in
                                                       the tight-knit community of people who come together           ingredients. Keeping track of industry news can help business   cold brew products across the catering industry. It’s important to
                                                       with a common goal to create something extraordinary.          owners stay ahead of the curve and find new ways to cater to   keep an eye out for interconnections between trends in different
                                                       This culture reflects all that has come to define specialty    their customers. Additionally, working closely with coffee sup-  industries, as they can provide valuable insights into where the
                                                       coffee: the quality of the beans, sustainable farming prac-    pliers can ensure that a business is getting the best quality   market is heading.
                                                       tices, transparency, traceability and collaboration between    products for its needs.                            The trouble with trends is that they’re often fleeting, which in
                                                       all members of the supply chain. Evidently, I see other            When looking at trends in specialty coffee, it’s important   turn makes them unsustainable. The entire coffee value chain  – from
                                                       industries such as cocoa and tea embracing similar values,     to consider consumer behavior. How are customers interacting   producers to roasters, baristas, retailers and consumers  – may need
                                                       something that makes me wonder if this is all just a pass-     with products and services? Are they looking for convenience or   to consider the implications of following a particular trend or driving
                                                       ing trend that’s relevant to many industries and is a sign     a unique experience? Where do they tend to shop and why?   it forward. It’s important for the specialty coffee industry players to
                                                       of the times.                                                  According to the 2023 GlobalData report, “Purchase Drivers –   not just consider factors such as profitability and having a competi-
                                                           I wanted to share all of these thoughts with you, dear     Consumer Behavior Trend Analysis”, the fast-paced conditions   tive edge when making decisions, but also to think about aspects
                                                       reader, in order to open up the conversation and explore       of the current market are shifting consumer behavior, as they   such as quality, business to business (B2B), sustainability, eco-con-
                                                       what other people think is the future of specialty coffee.     become more conscious of their spending and seek out affordable   scious practices and social impact.
                                                       Will it remain a trend or will it become an integral part of   products that still cater to their needs.          You may wonder why any of this matters. Trends can be a
                                                       the  global  coffee  industry?  Is  this  just  another  bubble    The report mentions that people are also prioritiz-  great way to grab the attention of potential customers and keep
                                                       waiting to burst, or is this something that could be here to   ing  hygiene,  convenience  and  simplicity  in  purchase   them engaged, but at the end of the day if they don’t support the
                                                       stay for many years to come?                                   decisions,  therefore  companies  need  to  keep  up  with   overall evolution of the specialty coffee industry in a positive way,
                                                                                                                      those changes. The other top ten qualities driving shop-  they can be a short-term solution that doesn’t benefit any business
                                                       The Art of Trendsetting                                        pers’  choices  include  mental  wellness,  authenticity,   in the long run.
                                                                                                                      physical health benefits, natural products, time-saving   Understanding the nuances of trends in specialty coffee is
                                                           If you look up the word “trend” in the dictionary, you’ll find   options,  tailored  to  their  interests  and  sustainable  or   key to choosing ones that are sustainable and beneficial for all
                                                       it defined as “a general direction in which something is develop-  eco-friendly alternatives.                  involved. As for consumers, cutting through the noise and recog-
                                                       ing or changing.” In other words, a trend is an emerging pattern   Culture is another integral part of the specialty coffee in-  nizing products, services or concepts that bring real value to their
                                                       of behavior that can be seen across many industries and cultures.   dustry and plays a role in shaping trends. Culture reflects attitudes,   lives is essential.

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