Page 76 - #88 中文
P. 76


           oᄝषӆᇁՊᇏđ໡ႄႨਔ၂ओ࢝ტ଀࿽                                                                                                                                          The Coffee Technician Wheel is an instru-  Each area indicates a parameter on which
                                                                                                                                                                       ment that allows us to better understand
                                                                                                                                                                                                      act  on:  starting  from  the  coffee  choice
                                                                                                                                                                       which  are  the  variables  that  influence  a   up  to  the  last  moment  when  water  and
           mೂݔत֤࢝ტ෾݌đପ୆൫൫໭ᆩ֥սࡎnb                                                                                                                                       good cup of espresso. We can use it as a   coffee  as  espresso,  are  dispensed  from
                                                                                                                                                                       compass to guide us.           the espresso machine.


             ֥࠯ඌಁbᆃ൞၂۱۷ܼ֥ٗఒြഠ߶ᄳ಩ۀ୑b                                                                                                                         TECHNICAL PARAMETERS



                                                                                                                                                                                    E S P R E SS 0

              ໡ູದದ                                            ⮱ឭᱜ࣯᪝喑ຯⅡȠᘼᐼৃ઎ᱧহ⸕䅳ᱧ喠Вࣷᬍ∂ᩦ                                                       COFFEE PROPERTIES

                                                              अѳजВౕᲜ͚ϔ⩌ᰭҠ᩵᳉⮱ৃ઎ᰶᱧᆋᕔȡ(SVQQP                                                                                                                    Espresso Brew Formula
              ᣽䊤ৃ઎㵹͇ϻ͇ϧธ喑ৃ઎ጵȠ★♆ጵহৃۉ䕇፥᭜                        $JNCBMJ 䯳ఏ᰺ߎᕨ⯾೰ᓤߍ็e䉦䰤㒄喍&EHBSEP                                                                                                                       Ground coffee
                                                                                                                                                                                                             EBF =
              ϧЙᰭٵᘠݝ⮱㻿㞟ȡ♣㔹喑㺮⩌ϔ̭Ნ̷΅ৃ઎喑䔅                        'FSSFSP喎  㼐䛷䖀喑ЃЙ⮱Ⱋᴴ᭜ⵁ̭ࣾजВ፛ߖৃ                                                                                                                        Espresso yield
              ⻨̺ᐭ̭͗㜠ڠ䛺㺮⮱㓑Ҁÿÿৃ઎ឭጵȡৃ઎ឭጵ䉌䉐                       ઎ឭጵ⶛ԊᰭҠ᜽৮⮱ጒڤȡĄ᜾Йऄݝৃ઎䷻ঠ䒛⮱
              ノ⤳჏ᝤࣷڣ䰭Ⅿ喑䰭⌞ڒγ㼐ᱧᷝ䃫ิȠ࣌ᱽ᫆Вࣷ                        ड़ࣾ喑䦵ᄦৃ઎ߍጒহ㤰ः⮱䃫ิ䃫䃎γ䔆ጒڤ喑⌲
              ⳙᖜ̴अ⮱㵹͇ȡͧₑ喑ᘼ๔ݖ䶳ٵᘼᐼৃ઎ᱧݣ䕍ੳ                        ẇౝᆂ⹧γᒞ৺㤰ः⮱ऱ⻺अ䛼喑キࡃγअ䛼⮱᥉㉏হ
                                                                                                                                        COFFEE PROPERTIES              TECHNICAL PARAMETERS
              ( S V Q Q P $ J N C B M J ͧ ৃ ઎ ឭ ጵ ᐭ ࣾ γ ৃ ઎ ឭ ᱜ 䒛   ᵎₐ≮⼸喑ͧϧЙ᣽ӈγₐ⶛⮱᫦ा喑䔈㔹჋⣝⤳ᘠ⮱
                                                                                                                                        Blend  The  raw  material  used  to  brew   Espresso Machine The machines allow us
              喍$PGGFF 5FDIOJDJBOT 8IFFM喎ȡ                     ܧ৮ȡąౕࣨᎡ    ᰵλᘼ๔ݖͫ㵹⮱ৃ઎ឭጵࡼчምч                                               espresso  can  be  influenced  by  many   to  extract  the  best  from  coffee,  influ-
                                                              喍$PGGFF  5FDIOJDJBOT  (VJME  4VNNJU喎̷喑೰ᓤߍ                                 factors  that  result  in  different  sensory   encing positive and negative character-
                                                                                                                                        characteristics in the cup.    istics  of  the  raw  material  to  enhance   Water  It’s a fundamental and often under-
              ৃ઎ឭᱜ䒛᭜̭⻺ᠴࢄÿÿҬ᜾Й㘪ᰡສౝγ㼐ਗψ᭜ᒞ                       ็ڙᐭϸ㏺γৃ઎ឭᱜ䒛喑ВӰ䔈ϧЙᄦৃ઎᪴ࡃহ䃫                                                  Roasting This phase is an important step   the final result.  estimated element. The quality of the water
              ৺̭Ნສ⮱ᘼᐼৃ઎⮱अ䛼喑जВ⩕Ⴐ҉ͧ᜾Й䔶᠖࣌                        ิノ⤳⮱γ㼐ȡЃᑧ䄰喑ౕ䄒㵹͇ڲܳϘ㏼侹হ͇̀ⴒ                                                  in  defining  the  quality  of  the  espresso.   Ground Coffee  This is the last stage that   is an important discriminator of cup flavor
                                                                                                                                        The characteristics of a good coffee are   coffee  takes  in  its  cycle  before  being   (also it’s important in preserving the coffee
              ᫆হ䃫ิ⮱࣯㔰ȡឭᱜ䒛ܳͧ͑͗ͨ㺮䘕ܳ喟जВᩦअ                        䃳जͧ⃼̭͗ⰥڠϧঅፓᲒጕ๔㣤⯷ȡ
                                                                                                                                        highlighted at this stage.     extracted: shape and size play a key role.  machine)

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