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Evidently, it’s impossible to cover the needs of each mem- With ideas and solutions such as these, Bafis & Partners a coffee shop? This is the biggest challenge. Most spaces are
ber of the staff on an individual level, as each barista has their Architects are changing the way we think about coffee shops also located in buildings that have no architectural character.
own way of working. However, the application of the Vitruvian and their design. They are not only taking into account the As such, we need to put more emphasis on design so as to
Man to a coffee bar is an effective way of minimizing errors and functionality of the space, but also the aesthetic and the cus- absorb the eye of the viewer to something really beautiful and
focusing on the quality of the product. Beyond functionality, the tomer experience. Additionally, by collaborating with clients meaningful,” he explains.
space behind the bar must also be aesthetic and most impor- that share a similar vision, they are able to create spaces that Evidently, each country has its own set of challenges
tantly, clean. Keeping the coffee bar clean does not only mean are not only beautiful and practical but also free of constraints when it comes to design. In Greece, the size of the spaces is
avoiding dirt and spills, it also means having an organized and of any kind. That is when their free spirit truly comes alive. often quite small. Legislation also presents challenges as there
efficient space. This can be achieved by decluttering the area are many restrictions on what can be done, “ In most western
and keeping only the essential tools and products within reach. Innovating by Design in Greece countries, if you want to design something really good, legis-
Based on this philosophy, Bafis & Partners Architects started lation will not create a problem for you as long as you follow
considering the addition of large cupboards behind the main Coffee culture in Greece has changed a lot in recent years. the rules. In Greece things are trickier. For example, it is man-
bar. “These cupboards may serve as storage spaces for all the Young people are interested in trying different types of coffee datory for the coffee shop owner to provide a toilet for people
non-essential items and therefore declutter the area. They also and are willing to pay more for a higher quality product. This with mobility issues but the municipality doesn’t always have
offer the freedom to “hide” objects from customers’ sight. This has created opportunities for coffee shop owners to be more the infrastructure to support this from an accessibility point
way, the coffee shop appears more organized and tidy, as cus- innovative in their design and offer customers an experience of view. So, many coffee shops have toilets for these people
tomers would only see the items that are being used. In addition, that goes beyond just buying a cup of coffee. Panagiotis fell in but the same people cannot access the coffee shop,” Panagiotis
by decluttering the space behind the bar, baristas are able to love with the culture of specialty coffee as he recognized his explains. Putting aside the practical challenges, Greece is a
focus more on the customers and the product. The cupboards own vision in the way these coffee shops were designed. How- country well-known for its hospitality and Athens is the beat-
could also be used as the main element of the decoration, as they ever, he knows the country’s limitations. “In Greece there is a ing heart of it. Every country has its own culture and one can
come in a variety of colors, materials, and finishes. They could beautiful competition in the field of design. It’s nice to see understand a lot by observing how people interact with a new
be used to add a pop of color to the space or to complement the shops opening one behind the other. Unfortunately, many of space. Addict Coffee Shop, a specialty coffee shop in Belgrade,
existing decoration. In either case, they would become the core these shops are often copies of some stores from abroad and Serbia, is one such example. The store was designed by Panag-
of the store’s decoration and would serve any function that is they often have an expiration date. So how do you manage to iotis and his team and he thinks the concept will take a while
needed,” Panagiotis explains. stand out in a market where every corner has a restaurant or to be understood by the locals. “The knowledge of both crafts-
men and customers is more limited there. Nevertheless, we see
a lot of potential in the market and with time they will under-
stand what the coffee shop owner is doing.”
On the other hand, when the team brought Natives to
Limassol, the people quickly embraced it, “It is a more multi-
cultural country. Same like in Berlin, Athens and other big
capitals, it is more feasible for someone to understand some-
thing new and different and integrate it into their everyday
life,” Panagiotis concludes. As for his own country, he is op-
timistic about the future of design in Greece. He thinks the
All these elements culture has already started to change and hopes that the
market will return to shops that focus more on the bottom
add to the coun- line, “I think we will return to our roots in a more youthful
way and we will cherish both products that we had neglected
try’s unique identi- for so many years and an architecture that has supported
generations and generations.” This reminds me of his comment
ty. And in order to about finding our own voices. Greece, like any other country,
has a long history, customs and traditions. It has also been
connect with this through hardships that are reflected in neighborhood buildings
and architecture. All these elements add to the country’s
identity and the unique identity. And in order to connect with this identity
and the people, designers need only look around them. As for
people, designers Bafis & Partners Architects, they have already started to make
need only look their mark both in Greece and abroad. The team is currently
working on a few projects around Greece that bridge together
around them. the worlds of catering and hospitality. We can only wait and
see what they come up with next.
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