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         Panagiotis regards the three steps to

         success when designing spaces such as

         coffee shops, “First you eat with your
         eyes, then with your mouth and finally

         with your soul.”

                                                     Being a Free Designer

                                                         I met Panagiotis in September during the Athens Coffee
                                                     Festival, where he was a keynote speaker. His Masterclass,
                                                     Ergonomic design for baristas, was one of the main reasons I
                                                     wanted to interview him. I was eager to learn more about his
                                                     design philosophy and how it could be applied to create suc-
                                                     cessful coffee shops. From a young age, Panagiotis was influ-
                                                     enced by his father, who was an architect. He would design
                                                     cars and buildings and take note of the architecture, culture,
                                                     and food of different places he visited, “I carried a notebook
                                                     and a pencil everywhere I went. The architecture of places
                                                     helps me understand their history and makes me feel part of
                                                     it. That’s where my motivation comes from, the fact that I
                                                     have something to say to the audience. I wanted to present a     This is a testament to the success of the design. The furniture   beautiful, functional, and able to stand the test of time,” he
                                                     different, leaner, human-centered approach to space.”            is designed to be ergonomic and comfortable, with a focus on   points out. From concept to construction, the whole process
                                                         The motto of Bafis & Partners Architects is to design         the customer experience. Aside from the exceptional coffee,   can take months. The first step is to understand the client’s
                                                     with free spirit. But, what does it mean for a designer to feel   the shop offers a select range of organic teas, wine, herbs,   needs and wants. Then, the team does a survey of the area
                                                     free?  “It  means  having  the  courage  to  express  your  ideas   dairy-free  milk,  preserves  and  healthy  snacks,  alongside   to see what already exists and how they can link elements
                                                     without any constraints,” Panagiotis says. “It’s about being     brewing accessories.                           from the past with the present. They also look at the space
                                                     able to say no to things that don’t inspire you. My advice to                                                   to see how they can best utilize it. “A design that respects
                                                     all young designers is to try and find their own voice. When      The Three Steps to Success                     the space, also respects the customer. We always think about
                                                     you do that, people will start listening to you. I know it’s hard                                               how the customer will feel in the space. We want them to
                                                     to turn down work, but it’s important to stay true to your ideas     Panagiotis explains to me that according to him, there   feel comfortable and at ease.”
                                                     and beliefs.” In a way, this applies to many aspects of life, not   are three elements to consider when designing spaces such
                                                     just design. It’s important to be able to express yourself free-  as coffee shops. He calls them the three steps to success,   Ideas and Solutions for Ergonomic Spaces
                                                     ly and be true to who you are. It is hard to find the motivation   “First you eat with your eyes, then with your mouth and
                                                     to do things that you don’t believe in, “The only way to be      finally with your soul.” This means that first and foremost,   One of the things that stands out Bafis & Partners Ar-
                                                     successful is to find what you’re passionate about and do that.   the space must be designed to appeal to the senses. Second,   chitects projects is their focus on ergonomics. They design
                                                     You have to enjoy the process, not just the result.”             the  product  must  be  of  excellent  quality.  And  third,  the   spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also func-
                                                         This  freedom  of  spirit  is  loudly  expressed  in  Bafis  &   people who work in the space must create a pleasant and   tional and comfortable, not just for the customer but also for
                                                     Partners Architects’s new project, Natives. Natives is a spe-    welcoming atmosphere. “For me, the design of a space must   the people who work there. Functionality translates to flexi-
                                                     cialty coffee shop franchise that is designed to respect nature   always be simple, without unnecessary decorative details.   bility, which is a very important element to have when work-
                                                     and the product by creating dining areas that express freedom,   We live in an age where everything is excessive, forgetting   ing behind a bar. In specialty coffee shops, the focus is on
                                                     cleanliness and native design. I visited the shop in Athens and   the human factor. There is this tendency to create images   coffee itself as a premium product. This means that equipment
                                                     was impressed by the use of wood, which creates a natural        just to attract attention. I think we are going through a mod-  like additional grinders, brew bar areas, additional automatic
                                                     and warm environment. I actually wrote a large part of this      ern baroque era where we create spaces with materials that   washing systems and filters is needed to maintain quality. The
                                                     article while enjoying a cup of coffee at Natives. The experi-   degrade over time and don’t allow for duration and substance.   barista needs to be able to move around freely and have all
                                                     ence was fantastic, and I felt comfortable and free to work.     We have to think beyond that, and create spaces that are   the tools they need at their disposal.

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