Page 68 - CTI84_EN
P. 68

C                                                                                                                sation. — Metal Hands  China, and to Hu T

          Chinese on your tongue                             Night Jasmine (Ye Lai Xiang) is the name of an old             should represent (the spirit of) globali-  ong. Therefore, it   As a foreign product, coffee came to
                                                         Chinese song. This song was first released in Shanghai during
              There are two types of black latte. One is made from   the second world war and is always considered as a symbol
          charcoal powder and called charcoal latte, which is a popu-  of the culture and history of the city. To people from other
          lar healthy drink served in many trendy specialty coffee   countries, Shanghai represents the diverse and modern side
          shops in western countries. The other one is more oriental.   of China; and to many Chinese, it is the city flower, Yulan
          It is made with black sesame paste, an ingredient that is   Magnolia, that represents Shanghai.
          adored by most Chinese for the rich taste and nutrition.   When first expanding the brand from Beijing to Shang-
          When mixed with espresso and steamed milk, a cup of   hai, the team wanted to create a special drink to celebrate the
          coffee that tastes Chinese is ready to serve.  move. According to Ding Jiangtao, the founder of Metal Hands,
              Such coffee drinks with Chinese ingredients added can   during the process of finding the first location in Shanghai,
          now be found in many cities. Similar to the welcoming and   it was the fragrance of Yulan Magnolia accompanying him
          comforting effect a Chinese styled space can bring customers,   the whole time. Every spring, when the flower season starts,
          this type of coffee drink can do the same. In addition to black   there will be a lot of flower ladies selling Yulan Magnolia on
          sesame, other Chinese ingredients, such as Chinese rice wine,   many street corners across the city.
          Osmanthus flower honey, even Chinese coconut chicken soup,   “As soon as we opened, (we) believed that the special
          have all been added into espresso-based coffee drinks.   drink for Shanghai should be it (Yulan Magnolia coffee).”
              Suzhou is a city well known for its rich culture and   After months of R&D, Night Jasmine was finally ready.
          history. Now it is known for an interesting drink, the Gor-  It is a short milky coffee drink served cold, and mixed with
          gon Seed coffee. Gorgon seed is a typical local ingredient   Yulan Magnolia honey. Just as the flower itself, Night Jasmine
          used in many dishes, including stew, congee, and Chinese   is only available during the flower season.
          desserts.                                          Now with 11 stores in 3 major cities, Night Jasmine is
              Tiny Coffee is a micro local specialty coffee chain. Both   still Metal Hands’ most successful Chinese inspired coffee
          of their two shops are decorated as traditional farmhouses,   drink. Metal Hands’ interpretation of Chinese fad through
          and the menu works well with the concept. Innovatively, they   Night Jasmine is subtle yet powerful. Night Jasmine is served
          added gorgon seed in both latte and americano. The result is   in a normal glass tumbler, and their first Shanghai cafe on
          not only inviting on the eye, but also joyful on the tongue.   Nanyang  Road  looks  modern  inside  out.  Nevertheless,  a
              Half an hour on the train can take you from Suzhou to   unique experience will be unfolded with just one sip. In an
          Shanghai. There you can find Metal Hands, which is one of   instant, you are surrounded by Yulan Magnolia. The fragrance
          the top specialty coffee brands in China, and Night Jasmine   is not only on your tongue but also in the air. At that very
          (Ye Lai Xiang) is a coffee drink only served in their Shang-  moment in spring, thanks to Metal Hands and Night Jasmine,
          hai shops.                                     the essence of Shanghai is gently blooming on your tongue.

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