Page 25 - CTI83_EN
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 was bio-bean’s first biofuel product. These compact logs
 can be put in wood-burners and stoves, burning hotter
 and more efficiently than traditional wood. An entire
 office’s coffee break can now heat homes around the
 UK. Now the world’s largest coffee recycler, bio-bean is
 developing new ways to upcycle coffee. This includes
 extracting food-grade natural flavors from quality used
 grounds and producing Inficaf, a raw material that can
 replace synthetic materials in a wide range of industries.
 “Circular economy must be the future if we are to con-
 tinue  on  this  planet,”  the  company  says.  “Whether  it
 becomes our every day sooner or later is entirely de-
 pendent  on  behavior  change,  from  government  and
 business leaders across to every consumer out there.”

 Coffee Waste at Home

 Although recent events have proved the need for
 a  less  wasteful  society,  the  circular  economy  in  the
 coffee  world  isn’t  completely  new.  Small  amounts  of
 coffee are indeed a great source of nitrogen and other
 minerals for home gardens. Some community sponsored
 initiatives such as the Ground to Ground have sprung
 up around the world. This website aims to educate cof-
 fee shops on how to recycle their grounds and tells the
 everyday person how best to compost their grounds in
 their own backyard.

 The Future of Coffee is in Our Hands
 Coffee Literally Fueling the World
 Are you still throwing valuable used coffee grounds
 Not all of the recycled coffee ends up in a space as   into the trash? Your local community likely has better
 visible  as  fashion  or  with  your  dinner.  Although  you   options for you. It’s clear now that our current methods
 wouldn’t want to eat them, coffee grounds are full of oil   aren’t working. With the ingenuity of these companies
 and incredibly calorific. Companies like UK based bio-  and  our  own  capabilities  to  make  a  difference  in  our
 bean have recognized coffee grounds as the amazing fuel   community, coffee-drinkers can turn the tide. Ask your
 source they are. bio-bean is industrializing coffee waste   favorite local coffee shop what they do with coffee waste.
 in the UK, saving tons of carbon emissions every day.   Write to a national chain. Convince your office to seg-
 One  of  the  easiest  ways  to  convince  consumers  and   regate coffee waste and set up a collection. There are
 businesses  to  join  in  the  circular  economy  is  to  help   many ways to join the movement and make your morn-
 them save money. Coffee grounds are wet and heavy so   ing cup of coffee keep working for the better of every-
 their disposal can be expensive for businesses. bio-bean   one, long after you savor your last sip.
 has set up a recycling collection service that requires
 minimal effort on the part of the recycler. Businesses
 can  lower  their  carbon  footprint  easily  since  carbon
 emissions from recycled grounds are 80 percent fewer   Your local community
 than those sent to a landfill. The company collects cof-
 fee waste from both large and small offices, coffee shops,   likely has better
 restaurants, and anywhere else there might be coffee.
 Once the used coffee is brought to the world’s first   upcycling coffee waste
 industrial-scale coffee recycling factory, they are dried   options for you.
 and processed into different products. The Coffee Log

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