Page 6 - CTI82_EN
P. 6

C  Illustration / Carmen Lai

               Coffee Culture

              You Experience

                                                                                                                                                        ICED AMERICANO

                 Why is coffee so special? First of all, it was perfected in Italy, everyone knows that.                     As is known to all, Korean is big on coffee these days. Believe it or not, according to the latest
                 Then it  was  introduced  to  the whole  world due  to  its unique  taste  and  magical                     research, Seoul has more than 180,000 cafes, it also has the most Starbucks in the world! Ca-
                 caffeinated properties. Many countries have incorporated coffee drinking into their                         fes in Korea are identified as social hangout spots rather than places only to drink coffee, it
                 own culture.You might have no idea about when drinking coffee became a daily                                has become a big part of the modern Korean culture. And if you ask which coffee is the most
                 routine for most generations, but you definitely know what coffee you look for when                         popular one? It has to be the iced Americano. It is a go-to coffee for a hefty amount of people
                 you step into a cafe. The coffee flavor and experience you desire might come from                           in the nation. What’s more, they even have a very unique short name for it, the 아아 (ah ah),
                 your habits, but there are more cultural factors behind it.  Although espresso coffee                       short for iced Americano (아이스 아메리카노) in Korean, drinking 아아 is definitely the trend
                  is now the norm, each country retains its own special coffee-drinking traditions.                          among Korean young generations. “Even if we freeze to death, we’ll still drink iced America-
                                                                                                                             no…” That’s a very common buzz you would hear among cool kids in Korea nowadays. It is
                                                                                                                             such a good choice though, without adding any milk or sugar, iced Americano is the healthiest
                                                                                                                                      option (except espresso). So if you see a young girl walk into a cafe on
                                                                                                                                           a freezing cold day asking for “one coffee”, make her a 아아.

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