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Arlene’s job as coffee cocktailian in-
cludes spreading the love for this craft and
introducing it to people who might be shy
about mixing caffeine and booze; unfortu-
nately, she can’t do this alone so as part of
her brand ambassador role she trains bar-
tenders to include coffee as a new ingredi-
ent into their cocktail and at the same time
she targets baristas that are willing to work
with spirits to create new experiences for
the customers.
The coffee cocktail trend has spread
into some of the best bars in the world and
some hotels even have an exclusive coffee
cocktail menu at their lobby bars. I bet it’s
more interesting to wait while drinking a
coffee cocktail than a regular cup of joe.
Coffee cocktails are not exclusive to bars,
adding a couple of options in a coffee shop’s Moonless Sky
menu could open up the conversation to
new creative ideas. It is not about the spir-
it rather than creating new experiences
Bianco Vermouth
using coffee as a key ingredient. Not every
bar has an espresso machine nor a barista
that can properly handle it.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic
situation, these are exciting times to learn
more from other professionals in the gas-
tronomic industry to come back with
stronger sensory experiences. Let’s also not
forget that there is also room for improve-
ment when it comes to inclusivity and
gender equality. Issues such as wage gap,
recognition, and low female participation
in competitions are still present and to
create a stronger industry these topics
should be addressed.
Creating new and fun drinks is also
part of a more dynamic industry and we are
sharing two of Arlene’s iconic signature
drinks. If you are looking for something
spirit-forward then try the Moonless Sky.
If you are feeling the autumn vibes, you can
Jack O Latte’n
go with the Jack O Latte’n that has a pump-
kin spiced latte side to it.
Clarified Milk
Whichever you chose, feel free to experiment to find what
like better and most definitely relax and enjoy it.
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