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 What truly   flavours. “I’m always curious about how any food   trigued by the thought of one of my favourite local   The surprisingly enthusiastic reaction from
 will taste in ice cream form,” Chan said, “Why not?   dishes as a dessert, I dropped by their shop at the   customers to the Chicken Rice gelato was what
 belongs to   That’s the question we always ask when it comes   revamped Funan Shopping Centre and opt for their   kicked off the creation of other savoury flavours
 Singaporeans   to a new flavour.” He estimates that Tom’s Palette   taster set of three small cones that also allowed me   at Butterknife Folk. “We made Chicken Rice gela-
                                                               to for our own entertainment,” said founder Ingrid
                      to sample Muah Chee, a glutinous rice snack coat-
 has created a whopping 190 flavours in the shop’s
 are the memories   history, “we are constantly innovating and don’t   ed with peanuts, as well as White Rabbit, based on   Lim, “it was to push the technical boundaries of
 want to be known for just one particular flavour.”  the Chinese milk candy that’s also a favourite of   creating savoury gelato flavours and whether we
 we had of living   Of the locally-inspired flavours that Tom’s   Singaporean children.  could get the gelato to taste exactly like the orig-
                          If you were wondering how exactly this chick-
 and growing up in   Palette has produced, Chan listed Nasi Lemak ice   en rice gelato tasted, I could immediately pick out   inal dish, just in a cold and creamy form.”
                                                                   While I might not be stocking up on pints of
 cream as one of the most memorable. Nasi Lemak
 Singapore.  is a Malay dish consisting of fragrant coconut and   the distinct chicken rice flavour with a hint of   chicken rice ice cream anytime soon, I’ll definite-
 pandan rice and topped with dried ikan bilis an-  ginger, garlic and chicken stock at first bite, along   ly keep visiting Singapore’s artisanal ice cream
 chovies, peanuts and other savoury add-ons, defi-  with a few improbable grains of rice as I chewed.   shops to see what other  Singaporean dishes get
 nitely not a food one would expect to find in ice   It was a little surreal to encounter these savoury   turned into ice cream flavours.
 cream form. Chan shared the painstaking details   tastes in a dessert, but not bad tasting at all.
 of its creation, from the detailed research of cook-
 ing methods to balancing the ingredients used to
 highlight the main features of the dish. The result:
 an ice cream made from glutinous rice infused
 with coconut, pandan and lemongrass, and topped
 with a blended mix of white chocolate, ikan bilis
 and peanuts that was instantly recognisable and
 surprisingly popular among customers.
 I frequented the Tom’s Palette shop at its old
 premises when my office used to be in the same
 building, and every visit was always an adventure
 as they rotate the flavours very frequently. On this
 visit to their new shop along Middle Road, I con-
 sidered the Hainanese Kaya (a coconut spread
 Always innovating:Tom’s Palette  usually found on toast) briefly, but instead opt for
 some Milo Dinosaur, a childhood favourite based
 Another long-standing artisanal ice cream   on the malty chocolate drink with chewy bits of
 shop that has piqued the palettes of Singaporeans   Milo powder, paired with a scoop of Salted Egg
 since 2005 is the quirkily named Tom’s Palette.   Yolk which I prefer over actual salted egg yolks.
 Founder Chronos Chan and his wife Eunice Soon
 had no culinary experience and started the shop   How about that Chicken  Rice
 after a chef friend taught them to make chocolate   gelato? Butterknife Folk
 ice cream, but in the following years gained a rep-
 utation for some truly unusual flavours like White   And now let’s talk about that Chicken Rice
 Chocolate Nori (Japanese seaweed), Soya Bean   gelato that kicked off this story, which I first en-
 Dough Fritters and Parmesan Cheese and Crackers.   countered at Butterknife Folk which opened in
 To my surprise, Chan shared that he actually   2016.  Chicken Rice is just one of the slew of   Photo / Butterknife Folk
 does not like sweet food, which pushed him to   Singaporean food-inspired flavours that the shop
 explore different flavour profiles in ice cream and   made available in the month of August 2020 in
 create many of Tom’s Palette’s unique and savoury   celebration  of  Singapore’s  National  Day,  In-

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