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In the company profile on the expectations Weber and his partners famous for being easy to clean.
website, Weber and Lyn wrote, held at the very beginning. Now it Of course, the LWW products are
“We’re artists, engineers, dreamers is well received at a niche market good in many other ways, not merely
and madmen”. Most of the important that looks for topnotch quality and cleanliness. The point is seeing some-
members of the company don’t come product experience. However, We- thing from a fresh perspective, one
from the coffee industry, including ber still keeps the size of the com- only a “newcomer” will have, is of great
the two founders and even a guitar- pany and makes it literally like a significance to create something great.
ist of an indie band, who is one of “workshop” where company mem- As the “newcomer” and “outsider” of
LWW’s board members. “I like bers work together closely and the coffee world, Weber said he and
having people around whose opin- witness how each idea builds, LWW can’t promise you the perfect
ions I respect but who don’t have shapes and changes a product. cup of coffee, but they can try to make
any preconceptions about the coffee Together, they believe in qual- it easier to achieve.
industry to help review our work,” ity and high-quality tools can drive
said Weber. He believes that pre- the art forward. “The level of coffee
conception and legacy kill new has been raised so much and the
possibilities and changes. “It is tools are often the bottleneck in
easier to keep doing something your terms of making better coffee,” said
company is set up to than to com- Weber. He and Lyn found a way to
pletely rethink a problem. We start- reach the bottleneck: cleanliness.
ed with no legacy. No history of They believed that any product that
anything. It’s a blank sheet.” comes in contact with food has to
be easy to clean. “Cleanliness is
Details matter about quality and most importantly,
safety,” says a product statement on More of the works by Lyn and Doug in
LWW has already reached the the website. The LWW grinders are their Instagram @lynweber
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