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We asked everyone, not just coffee drinkers and as you as they like (18,5%) over privacy (9.5%) and having a
could see majority do it because it’s cheaper and more con- morning habit (8.2%). With more and more people choos-
venient to drink it at home. Among people we asked in ing to drink coffee at home, coffee companies focus on
Australia most of participants answered they like to drink producing more equipment for home brewing. Starting
coffee at home because it’s cheaper than buying one (67%) with the recent collaboration between Smeg and Dol-
and it is convenient (21.5%). People of Thailand tend to ce&Gabbana, bringing coffee maker, designed by high-end
drink coffee at home as there they can prepare it as they artists, into your house, ending with good old moka pot,
like (17%) and it is their hobby (13%). While in China and patented back in 1933. Let’s see what coffee making tools
Vietnam, people show pretty same results, choosing conve- are the most used ones and what do you need to use them
nience (18,5%), cheaper price (18,5%) and preparing coffee to make your home-made coffee cup.
Moka pot Dripper
Very often moka pot is seen as Let’s start with the machinery. First
something nostalgic and romantic. in our list is electric drip coffeemaker.
Now you can chose other tools to pre- First patented in 1954, dripper has
pare coffee, but a lot of people still AeroPress changed quite a bit during the 20th
stick to traditional Italian way of mak- century. A lot of companies changed the
ing coffee, a lot of those people are The newest coffee invention of machine and its parts to make coffee
actually Italians. All you need to use it humanity, AeroPress was created in preparation better and faster. Right now
is a pot itself, coffee water and a stove. 2005 by Alan Adler. Cheap and com- there are hundreds of different models
pact, Aeropress is the perfect backup out there in the market so you can
brewer when your go-to fails. It also chose the one that suits you the best:
makes a damn fine cup of coffee with OXO On Barista Brain, Ninja Coffee
no bitterness, emphasizing only fruity Bar Brewer, Bonavita etc.. The best drip
notes of your beans. All you need is coffee maker combines aesthetics,
Syphon coffee and water for this fruity cup. versatility, programming features, and
auto-start timers that let you set the
For those who crave a bit more machine the night before and wake up
ritual in their morning routine, syphon with a hot cup of coffee waiting for you.
from trusted Japanese brand Hario is
durable, made from heat-resistant There is also manual pour
borosilicate glass and won’t break the French Press overs like Chemex and V60,
bank. And it is no surprise that Japa- that will need only hot
nese brands are leading syphone game, As grandpa of home-making cof- water, coffee and practice of brewing
as this way of making coffee is very fee tools (it was pantented even earlier manually. Brewing manually is not
popular in Japanese market during it than moka pot, in 1929), French press just one more way of making coffee,
beautiful ritual and tradition. is a coffee brewing device that is actu- but a visual treat, it looks super chic.
ally more Italian than French. It was
patented by Italian designer Attilio
Calimani. A French press requires
coffee of a coarser grind than does a
drip brew coffee filter, as finer grounds
will seep through the press filter and
into the coffee. All you need to use this
device is water, coffee and a bit of time
to wait and voilà! Coffee is ready.