Page 81 - #46 English
P. 81

The heat comes back every year! Some of you may hide in the comfort of your home but staying
                     at home can lead to a very dull day. Why not freshen up your day with easy to make recipes that
                     guarantee to be your next favorite!

                     Iced Raspberry                  Passion Mint Soda              Berry Cream
                     Chocolate                                                      Frappe’

                     Ingredients                     Ingredients                    Ingredients
                     Chocolate Sauce         30  ml.  Passion Fruit Syrup 7.5   ml.  Caramel Sauce           20  ml.
                     Raspberry Syrup         15  ml.  Mint Syrup            22.5 ml.  Ruby Red Syrup      22.5  ml.
                     Milk                  150  ml.  Seven Up (Lemonade)        60 ml.  Espresso shot        60  ml.
                     Cocoa Powder              2  tsp.  Lime Juice               5 ml.  Milk 30 ml.
                     Hot Water               15  ml.  Ice cubes                14 Oz.  Frappease               2  tbs.
                     Ice cubes               16  Oz.
                                                                                    Ice cubes                16  Oz.

                     Directions                      Directions                     Directions
                           Put Chocolate Sauce, Rasberry      Mix all ingredients well and      Put all ingredients into a
                     Syrup and milk in a mixing glass.  pour into a serving glass.  blender.
                           Mix cocoa powder with hot       Top with ice and serve.        Blend well and serve in a 16
                     water and mix all ingredients together.                        ounces glass.
                           Pour into a 16 ounces glass and
                     top with ice and serve.

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