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a personal habit and that would have been   the World Coffee Event would recognize.   of beans, roasting, machines and more;
          passed on from student to student. So as an   Until now. As a sanction body we are now   the consumers have yet to reach a level
          Educator I was free to focus on maintain-  able to send our champion to any cham-  of sophistication where they will demand
          ing quality education rather than the sales   pionship provided all our championship   for higher quality. Many of those in this
          of merchandize or coffee beans. We were   has a WCE representative overseeing it.   industry who are pedantic and fastidious
          able to explain to students how to evaluate   Barista Guild Asia as the initiator of the   about quality in their delivery of coffee
          coffee objectively and how to select the   association has a responsibility to see that   may probably still be working in vain if
          right machine and grinder for their cafes   all our Malaysian baristas that aspire to be   we do not ensure our consumers begin to
          based on their initial budget. The latin have   a Nation Champion or a World Champion   discern quality in a cup.
          a saying “caveat emptor” or “let the buyers   be given the opportunity. It’s our job to
          beware”; we were able to help students   highlight the growth and development of
          and potential café owners make informed   the Baristas through the competitions as
          decisions on their purchases while focusing   well as training and forums.
          on developing their skills and ability.      We are confident that our Baristas
               Also after attending the many train-  have what it takes to make it to the top
          ings, I was able to make necessary changes   rankings and we have proven this at the
          to how it was taught. For example all the   recent World Barista Championship beat-
          trainings required the participant to at-  ing many veteran countries that have been
          tempt both the practical and theory exam   participating for the last decade. We are
          on the final day. Many of them are still very   also hoping to develop courses and classes
          new to the experience and found this to   for the Baristas to improve their skills and
          be daunting and gut wrenching. I wanted   knowledge in the Specialty Coffee industry.
          the students to build their confidence first   As an Association we aspire to elevate and
          and not to experience undue stress. I also   recognize the position of the barista as a
          wanted the students to have sufficient   high skilled job.
          practice time with instructors and get
          enough feedback to improve themselves   Tell us what do you think needs to be
          before being assessed. Many of the schools   improved in the local coffee industry
          impose an examination fee for failing to   and why?
          pass, and this became a point of conten-     I think the way to go about this   As an Authorised SCAE Trainer and Q
          tion for me as a consumer when I wasn’t   is through Consumer Education. This   Grader, what do you think is most im-
          given the opportunity to improve myself   requires the support and effort of every-  portant in Coffee Education? Especially
          first before sitting for the exam. Many of   one in the industry. From the roasters,   in the Malaysian industry.
          the coffee instructors had an elitist culture   distributors and café owners as well as      Range of available green coffee
          in the way they impart their knowledge.   consumer support groups. We have come   beans and specialty coffee for consumers. I
          Whereas I came from a consumers’ per-  a long way, but it’s important that the   think we are still very limited in options of
          spective I wanted a course that understood   coffee industry comes together and work   coffee. Specialty coffee accounts for about
          the needs of a beginner or a consumer who   to build the entire industry. We are still   15 percent of the coffee trade in America,
          just wanted to start off on the right foot in   growing and learning to work as one to   but in Malaysia is a lot less. So we are very
          the coffee business. Therefore will never   help develop the consumers because many   under exposed in the range of flavors and
          claim to be the best or most experienced   still can’t tell the quality differences in cof-  tastes that is readily available to us. This
          in the industry, but we can definitely be   fee. Whilst we are doing our very best to   is due to the fact that the requirements in
          able to springboard you right in the coffee   improve the training of Baristas, selection   importing green beans is highly restrictive
          industry.                                                              and because specialty coffee is imported
                                                                                 in small amounts it’s even harder for the
                                                                                 company to get it approved. Without these
           “the coffee industry locked skilled                                   range of beans we are unable to provide
           trainers who were well trained in                                     the coffee professionals a database of fla-
           imparting knowledge, skills and                                       vor profiles and source. Secondly we are
           ability.”                                                             in need of coffee professionals who are
                                                                                 able and willing to share their knowledge
          As the honorary secretary of the asso-                                 to others.
          ciation, how do you think that Malaysia
          Specialty Coffee Association will be able
          to help local baristas and the industry.
               The Association was set up to with
          the intention to facilitate the opportunity
          for our local baristas to be able to com-
          pete on the world stage. We’ve had the
          Malaysia Barista Championship since 6
          years ago, but we were unable to send our
          Champion to compete at the world stage
          because we lacked the national body that
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