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World News

                    Recycled Coffee Ground Cups and Saucers        Lipton to Master the Art of Teh Tarik Instantly
                    by Kaffeeform                                        Lipton and Creative Juice Kuala Lumpur have
                         Instead of throwing away coffee grounds used to   launched the latest campaign, called Master the Art of Teh
                    make 500 billion cups of coffee we consume worldwide   Tarik Instantly, to introduce Lipton’s new 3-in-1 instant
                    each year Kaffeeform turns the leftover grounds into   hot milk tea, mimicking popular Malaysian Teh Tarik. The
                    espresso cups and saucers, which helps reuse waste and   campaign includes a 2-minute film highlighting the qual-
                    reduce the use of paper and polystyrene cups. This recy-  ity of Lipton’s 3-in-1 Teh Terik, described in the film as a
                    cling project was a BA thesis done by a German designer,   ‘creamy, fluffy, aromatic and exquisite’ drink which can be
                    Julian Lechner, at the Free University of Bolzano, Italy, in   served at a classy tea party, and its convenience that allows
                    2009. The experimentation process continued in Berlin   this unique hot milk tea to be made in a few seconds. In
                    and a few years later, Lechner has discovered a perfect   addition to Lipton’s 3-in-1 Teh Terik, there are additional
                    combination of coffee grounds, natural glues and grains   flavors, including Hazelnut Milk Tea, Ginger Milk Tea and
                    resulting in a solid material and, with a suitable casting   Classic Milk Tea, in the Lipton 3-in-1 Milk Tea range, and
                                          technique, the material was   the products are also certified Halal by MUI. Creative Juice
                                          shaped into espresso cups   Kuala Lumpur has explained that the campaign aims to com-
                                          and saucers. At first, the re-  municate with people and make them believe that anyone
                                          cycled products could be   can be a Teh Tarik expert. It means that with these sachets
                                          used for one time occasions;   of Lipton 3-in-1 Milk Tea, you, too, can become a Teh Tarik
                                          however, after the develop-  expert!
                                          ment of a serial production,
                                          the final cups and saucers
                                          are reusable and dishwasher
                                          safe. In addition, the prod-
                                          ucts even have the smell of
                                          coffee. For more information
                                          and ordering options, visit

                    Spotify at Starbucks
                         Starbucks has recently partnered with Spotify to
                    offer the popular music streaming service in Starbucks
                    stores. As Starbucks has stopped selling CDs at the end
                    of March 2015, it is time for app-based music services
                    designed to puts the world of music at your fingertips and
                    this is where Spotify comes in. The collaboration is on a   Green Tea Helps Prevent Prostate Cancer
                    “music ecosystem” in which Starbucks employees will   A new study, led by Dr.Nagi Kumar at the Moffitt Cancer
                    receive free premium Spotify accounts and play the role   Center, USA, has suggested that drinking green tea may
                    of DJ who builds playlists to shape the in-store customer   help reduce the rates of prostate cancer in men in their
                    experience. Starbucks members, at the same time, can   40s and those who are at high risks of developing the
                    check out the playlists on Starbucks mobile application and   cancer. The scientists have found that there is an active
                    choose the tunes for their coffee sessions. This interactive   component, called catechins, in green tea that prevents the
                    music experience will first be present at about 7,000 loca-  development of prostate cancer. The component suppresses
                                         tions across the US and will   the cancer cell growth, mobility and invasion and, at the
                                         later be available in Starbucks   same time, stimulates cancer cell death. Epigallocatechin-
                                         stores in England and Canada.  3-gallate (EGCG) is the most abundant and potent catechin
                                                                   found in green tea and the most responsible for the cancer

                                   Blue Bottle Coffee Raises $70 Million in New Funding Round
                                         After raising $46 million from True Ventures, Index Ventures, Morgan Stanley, and other
                                   investors in the previous fundraising efforts, Blue Bottle Coffee has just secured a new funding round
                                   of $70 million, led by Fidelity Management and Research and other new backers. In 2002, James
                                   Freeman, founder of Blue Bottle Coffee, vowed that he would only sell coffee less than 48 hours
                                   out of the roaster, so that his customers would enjoy coffee at its peak of flavor, and he would only
                                   use the finest, most delicious and responsibly sourced beans. For the past 13 years later, the vow
                                   has been faithfully kept, and Blue Bottle Coffee has grown to a small network of cafés, wholesale
                                   partners, espresso carts, and some vintage German coffee roasters. Blue Bottle Coffee has recently
                                   merged with Tartine Bakery and, in addition to its 17 cafes in San Francisco, New York and Los
                                   Angeles, Japan is the first country to have Blue Bottle cafés outside the US and the two shops in
                                   Kiyosumi and Aoyama are currently receiving a warm welcome from coffee lovers in Tokyo. As
                                   this round of funding is not done yet, Blue Bottle Coffee is expecting to raise additional $5 million
                                   from individual investors.
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