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similar to fast roast, but it’ll be less acidic but sweeter. This is
          the answer to why coffee beans with similar colour have differ-  3 Must-dos for roasters
          ent taste.
                                                                  1. Weigh the beans
          Slow Roast                                                     Weigh all the beans you want to roast to de-
                 If we are roasting for Italians who does not like acid-  termine the starting charge temperature and the weight
          ity, reduce the heat after the first crack at 8th minute and roast   lost. Coffee beans lose 15% - 20% of weight after roast-
          until 11 minute 25 second. We should have the finishing roast   ing. To calculate the loss, use the following formula.
          temperature at 210 °C and the development time of 3 minute     ; L= Loss, G = Green beans weight, R = Roasted
          25 second. The result should be a mildly sweet and bitter coffee   beans weight Example: 5 kg of green beans give 4.2 kg
          with thicker body and no acidity.
                 All 3 kind of coffee beans have similar colour and it’s   of roasted beans, then the loss equals
          near impossible to determine their taste just by looking. If we   0.16 or 16%. If the loss is too high, it might point to some
          continue to roast after slow roast, the coffee will get more bitter   problems like excessive roasting temperature or the
          and burn.                                               moisture content is off. Since coffee is sold by weight,
                                                                  weight loss is an important subject to consider every
                                                                  time you roast.

                                                                  2. Measure the Moisture Content
                                                                         Use a Moisture Meter to determine the mois-
                                                                  ture content of the beans you want to roast. Arabica
                                                                  beans should have the moisture content between 11-12%
                                                                  and robusta beans should have the moisture content
                                                                  around 13%.
                                                                         Moisture content affects coffee flavour and
                                                                  the time to reach the first crack, which in turns affect
                                                                  caramelization and flavour development phases. It’s all

                                                                  3. Measure the beans density (Bulk Density Testing)
          Flavour Emphasis by Roast Degree                               You’ll need a graduated cylinder to determine
                                                                  the density of the beans as denser beans require higher

                 The example shows how important flavour develop-
          ment is. It’s essential to pay attention to the time and tem-  Fill the cylinder with the beans to measure the
          perature after the first crack in order to control the flavour,   volume and weigh the beans. Use the following
          especially if we are roasting specialty coffee. For example, if we   formula to determine the density.
          want to highlight the acidity of a Geisha and we use slow roast
          approach, the coffee will lose the acidity and it’ll be a waste of
          good coffee.                                                   *** If possible, Green Bean Grading and Screen
                 Roaster experience is critical as you need to know   Size Check are another 2 steps you could do before
          the beans you are roasting. What variety is it? How was it   roasting.
          processed? How dense is it? What is its moisture content? You
          need to understand the beans for you to bring out its desired
                 For instance, Kenyan coffee is denser and it requires
          higher finishing temperature. Normally we want to bring out
          the chocolate and floral character of Kenyan beans out with a
          little acidity, so an ideal roast with 2 minute 20 second devel-
          opment time would be the approach. The result would be a
          balance roast with balanced acidity, sweetness, and bitterness.
                 Sometimes customers ask for an impossible roast, for   CTI would like to thank Mr. Sarawut Premchit (Woody)
          example, a very acidic coffee with body. But according to the   from Intercof Co., Ltd., and we hope the reader will find
          graph, body builds up as acidity decreases.             this article useful. For more coffee roasting information
                                                                  and technique, follow Woody’s facebook page, “Thai
                                                                  Roaster Club” or enroll in Intercof’s Special Roasting
                                                                  Course at
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