Page 92 - #55 English
P. 92
Unusual Barista Experience
A foreign customer came in Going back 10 years ago, a A customer came with a re- A vegetarian foreigner usu-
and asked, “Does the shop customer sat at the counter fractometer! ally drink only espresso and
have Wi-Fi?” I said yes and bar and seriously timed the he always ask how many days
gave him the password. He coffee flow. He wanted exactly has the coffee been roasted.
ordered an iced americano 25 seconds of flow and when If it’s the 7th day, he will hap-
which usually takes some time it’s nearly time he counted pily order one, if it’s less than
to brew, so I said, “Please wait out for me to hear, “Twenty- 7 days, he won’t order, and
a couple of minutes because I two, twenty-three, twenty- if it’s more than 7 days, he
use mokapot for the slowbar.” four, twenty-five, twenty-six, will think about it. Moreover,
The customer didn’t answer, twenty-seven, ….” I was so he will lick the inside of the
but he kept playing with his nervous (laugh)! cup every time he finish his
phone for around 3 minutes espresso. I still don’t know
before saying, “I’ll be right Pattaree Rojanarowan, the reason for his behavior.”
back.” It’s been 3 months since TOONGs COFFEE
he said he’ll be back (laught).
Customer ordered a hot cap-
puccino without foam or an
espresso without crema. An-
other customer wanted a strong
iced latte, so I asked if he would
Kemmarat Nawamachiti like an espresso instead, he
replied, “no, a very strong iced
latte please.” Peerapong Panyothee
A customer ordered a shot of Thom Artisan Coffee
Thammarat Lumprom espresso, hot water, and an
mix kaffee extra cup. Then he made 2
Mokapot japan style 1960 americanos. A customer ordered iced cap-
puccino, but requested the ice
and milk foam separately.
There are 2 westerners - one
drinks Americano and the
other drinks cappuccino. The
americano guy usually sits on
the indoor sofa while the oth- Nutthanun Preecharkulla-
er loves to sit on the outdoor nun, COFFEE INNER
sofa. One day the americano
guy decided to sit outside on
the sofa, and when the cap- Praditsak Boonsit A customer walked in and
puccino guy arrived later he Dallas Steak &coffee asked for a menu without look-
tossed his motorcycle gloves ing at the 2 big menu boards Sitthipon Pornchai, Co-owner
on the indoor sofa while the we have inside the café. Then of Makara Coffee, Lampang
americano guy gave him a lit- A customer ordered, “Iced he ordered 2 “anacondas”, but
tle shoulder shrug and a smile. cocoa at room temperature what he wanted was Panna
Now I don’t see them both at please. My son is sick.” cotta. A customer ordered, “an amer-
the same time anymore. icano with lots of milk please.”
Piyaruth Pakseelert, Dek Praparporn Aungkasurapan
Pachorn Wutpeanlert (Film), Ying Raisom Barista, Asama Cafe Trin Tinthanee,