Page 31 - #57 English
P. 31
21, Gangnam-daero 102-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Gangnam 08:00-2300; Weekends 11:00-23:00
White western-style building
The space is mainly made in white color, the The owner of Relieve started to do part-time job in a café
décor and the atmosphere makes a pretty nice impres- while he was in college, then he became interested in coffee
sion. The sun from the window comes floating down, and he wanted to have his own café. So in January 2016, Relieve
and the shadow of minimalist furniture creates a was established. The origin of its name “Relieve” means the
unique pattern. The place is simple: half-opened and relaxing experience while enjoying a cup of coffee. The
factory-like design, concrete walls, white space with owner named the raw beans “Stress”, so while you drink it, it
wooden furniture. The most impressive thing here is is “Stress Relieve”. Relieve has become very popular since its
the glass wall, not only it lets the sunlight shines opening a year ago. It has two stores, and total average amount
through, it also gives you the view from the top of a of cups sold per day of these two stores together is almost
mountain. thousand cups.
The number of coffee consumers in South Korea is huge: there is a coffee shop on average every 50 meters so the
battle in coffee business is fierce. Nowadays, the coffee culture in South Korea is blooming everywhere: coffee shops
stand on each corner, EDIYA Coffee Lab has a main theme and its own roasting. As coffee is influencing people’s life
wave after wave, we can say without doubts, the third wave coffee revolution has already merged with this city. Visit-
ing South Korea, you can see every shop has its own roasting machine and its own roasted beans, most of the beans
were directly traded from the farm or bought from internationally famous retailer. Compared with the simply-
operated coffee shop, they call it “coffee factory running model”.
Also, South Korea has the highest number of certified SCAE and
Q-Graders, a lot of baristas are also good at integrating their coffee skills
into the coffee market according to its needs, in order to provide balance
in South Korean coffee market. Without doubts, South Korean market
shows a rapid development, here people pay extreme attention to aes-
thetics and they also try to find it in the coffee industry.