Page 6 - #59 English
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c Editorial
When was the last time you went out without your phone? Or Managing Editor
took a picture of a great design, piece of art, food or even sky colors?
Nowadays, we take and post pictures of everything to share what is Sam Tanadej Kamonchan
our everyday life like. Social media is not a surprise anymore, but it
is interesting how this new human invention affects our lives and our
preferences. This time we decided to investigate how social networks Coffee t&i ( China )
set their rules in case of design in coffee world. Interior design and
food design is something that is being shot and shared every day and Chief Editor: Nicole Ou
it has a strong link to popularity of coffee shops. Moreover, as we are English Editor: Dasha Kartasheva
all visual creatures, we decided to talk about sense of vision and what Editorial Team: Cindy Ning, Kiyo Zhang
role it has in our colorful world. Yazmin Su
Talking about impressive design, we visited The Venice of the
North, St Petersburg, and found out what are the best cafés to visit Graphic Designer: Hanna, Hailong Fang
and what you need to try there. We also stopped by one of the chicest
places in town, PARAS Coffee, and got to know everything about their
design and vision on current Shanghai café culture. We talked to coffee Publisher
celebrities like Colin Harmon on his new book and what it can teach all
of us, Nagy brothers on their famous CLR CFF and the secret of mak- Coffee t&i (China)
ing coffee transparent and Champion Baristas on how their friends and RM1103B, No.222 Huaihai Zhong Rd.,
families see their job. Huangpu District
This issue is full of surprises as we are discovering new topics to Shanghai, China
talk about in coffee. Coffee for us is not just an energy fix, but a life Tel: +86 21 6333 9299
style. And as we live with it we are glad to see that coffee culture in Asia
is now stronger than ever: 3 out of 5 winners of recent WCE competi- Email:
tions are from Asia! Nevertheless, we were there for every competitor,
watching performances and cheering up. One would expect that the The contents of this publication may not be
third wave coffee boom would slow down and growth would flatten, reproduced in whole or in part without written
yet it never happens. More and more people are getting into specialty permission from the publisher
coffee, learning about it and investing their own energy and ideas and
we are happy that Asia is also a big part of this process.
Dasha Kartasheva
Daniel Millard Humphries I would love to hear your ideas for next
Director of Origin at Origin Coffee Network
issues and we are always open for new
Matthew Perger contributors:
2012 World Brewing Champion; Founder of Braista Hustle
Make sure you follow Coffee t&i on
Mikhail Sebastian
Origin explorer, who has visited coffee farms in Rwanda, Ethiopia, Cuba, Ecuador, Brazil, Facebook:CoffeeMagazine
Panama, Guatemala, and El Salvador Instagram: @coffeeteaimag
Erika Leung
Marketing communications consultant. Columnist. To update Coffee Society news,
please visit
Love Chan
Tea expert from Taiwan
Fei Liu
Tea Master from Fujian Province
Worked in coffee shop as SCAE certificated barista for 2 years. Now record my coffee
traveling by taking picture and writing articles.