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c    Catch Up

              International Committee and Action Plan to Come After
              First World Coffee Producers Forum

                  The inaugural World Coffee
              P ro duce r s   For u m   to ok   pl ace   i n
              Medellín, Colombia, on July 10 –
              12. The forum brought together
              hundreds of professionals from
              throughout the value chain and as
              the result a declaration and action
              plan designed to aid huge networks
              of producers throughout the world
              were signed.
                  The Colombian Coffee Growers
              Federation (FNC), the even creator,
              did a hard work to invite coffee
              producers from 40 producing coun-
              tries from Africa, Asia and Latin
              America. The action plan will be
              developed co-responsibly by stake-
              holders of the global value chain with the support of the International Coffee Organization (ICO).
                  In short, according to the FNC, the action plan will focus on addressing low prices and excessive
              volatility for producers, adaptation to climate change, scarce workforce, reduced generational change
              and producers’precarious social conditions, but first there should be held a study on the matter to
              deepen understanding of these problems.


              School of the Road: Autism and Adventure Documentary

                                                                       Film Director, Jeff Hann, who brought to
                                                                   life “The Coffee Man”, is working on his new
                                                                   piece, “School of the Road: Autism and Adven-
                                                                   ture Documentary”, a feature length documenta-
                                                                   ry and educational short film that will empower
                                                                   people all over the world to embrace autism.
                                                                   This educational movie will be free for schools
                                                                   all over the world to help individuals on the
                                                                   autism spectrum achieve success and believe in
                                                                   themselves, open the door to a world of connec-
                                                                   tion, community and possibility for all on the
                                                                   Autism Spectrum and help society realize the
              importance of presuming competence.  The movie tells a story of family of three - Travis, Fiona and eight year old
              Patch - that decided to take 3 months cycling trip across the United States. Patch was diagnosed with autism at 21
              months of age and has received the most dedicated therapy possible. This cycling adventure allowed the family to
              focus on showing Patch what he can do and provided him with the self belief to succeed.
                  At the moment, the film needs some help to kick off as they need to complete filming for the feature length
              documentary. If they reach the target of $350,000 , the post production of the School of the Road feature length
              documentary will be completed by December 2018. For now the family already gathered $7,227. If you would like
              to know more or help the family with their amazing project, please visit the link below.


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