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The Experience of having an affogato at croissant! A hot croissant with a cold gelato in it, topped
Affogato with the most delicious toppings of your choice, all made
in-house. The different temperatures and textures cer-
Affogato celebrates the intersection of coffee and tainly make it an incredibly tempting offering.
gelato – where the bitterness of the coffee combines with The 58 flavors of gelato that Affogato currently offers
the sweetness of the gelato, the hot with the cold, and the are also not constant. There are always new flavors being
fluid textures of coffee with the creamy textures of a launched, some old flavors being switched out from the
gelato, making it a unique experience to be here. new. “With every visit to Affogato, you are sure to dis-
“To have an affogato at Affogato is an experience,” cover some new flavors that weren’t there when you last
shares Shalini. The space and its offerings have been visited,” assures Shalini.
highly praised by quite a few Italians who have visited One could walk into the store, have a coffee, a gela-
Affogato. They have an impressive presence at all Italian to, or an affogato, and very soon also pick from a delicious
Foundation Day events in the city, which is by no means food menu that is currently in the works. Together the
a small feat. Considering how particular one would team at Affogato aims to ensure each customer who walks
usually be of foods from back home, Affogato’s coffee into the shop has a wholesome, unforgettable experience.
and gelato offerings have made quite a remarkable im-
pression. It is then no surprise that all their ingredients A Must-Visit Spot in Mumbai
are imported from Italy and quality standards are me-
ticulously adhered to. Few spaces celebrate the intersection of two im-
From keto-friendly and vegan gelatos to fruit-based mensely diverse foods like coffee and gelato the way
and nut-based gelatos, diabetes-friendly to weight Affogato does, without compromising on one for the
loss-friendly gelatos, Affogato has something for every- other to shine. At Affogato, both gelato and coffee are two
one. It also offers a wide range of coffee selections, en- lead heroes in an incredibly opulent yet comforting mov-
suring the space has something for everyone who walks ie, supported by the outstanding interiors and cozy vibes
through its doors. of the space.
Having an affogato at Affogato is truly an unparal-
Engaging the People at Affogato leled experience where everything on your plate, in your
cup, and around you plays a role. It is something best
Imagine walking into the coziest café and gelateria, experienced at leisure, savoring every bite and every sip
and getting a chance to make your sundae, however you while watching India’s maximum city, a city that never
like it. At Affogato, one can do exactly that, even with a sleeps, rush by.
At Affogato, both gelato
and coffee are two lead heroes
in an incredibly opulent yet
comforting movie.
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