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P. 98
Vestmannagade 4
Mon.-Fri.: 7am - 6pm. Sat.-Sun.: 9am - 6pm.
Take the #68 bus from Central Station
Roast Coffee Bar & Roastery
Making Friends
Roast is not just another fantastic roastery & coffee ing high quality beans and for customers to pay coffee
bar in Copenhagen, it is the café with the friendliest staff farmers a fair price for their work.
in the city! The staff at Roast truly enjoy interacting with Regardless of the client’s taste, at Roast you can find
their customers, whether it’s to talk about coffee or any a great variety of beverages like espresso, milk-based es-
other interesting topic with an excellent selection of back- presso drinks, hand brewed coffees and its very popular
ground music while enjoying a delicious cup of coffee. cold brew. The friendly and knowledgeable staff at Roast
Roast has three different locations around the city, is always ready to guide you with a smile, through the dif-
but the one in Vestmannagade is the main one and where ferent types of coffee varieties and the wide coffee prepa-
the roaster is located. For Roast, roasting coffee is the key ration methods that are available in the store, so they can
step for a cup of coffee to go from acceptable to extraordi- prepare for you a tailored and impeccable cup of coffee.
nary. This is precisely why, at Roast, the coffee beans are If you visit Roast, don’t forget to ask for David Savo-
roasted directly in the store to ensure the freshness of the vski who is one of the nicest people I have met in the
roast and that customers can experience the fragrance and Danish coffee scene, and who besides being a barista at
flavor of freshly roasted coffee. Roast, David is in charge of the quality control of the cof-
Roast was founded in 2014 and purchases its coffees fee that is purchased and roasted in the store. He has a very
directly from the best and most dedicated farmers world- reliable palate since in 2023 he was the Danish Cup Tasters
wide. Roast initiated a transparent channel for direct trade Champion. If you are visiting the city alone or just want to
between farmers and coffee lovers. The purpose of it is to make new coffee-related friends, Roast is a good place to
create a “shared value”, without intermediaries, and in this start making new friends in Copenhagen, while enjoying
way generates motivation for farmers to focus on produc- one of the best coffees in the city.
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