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This moment encapsulates the essence of Blue As James reflects on the journey that led to the
Bottle’s journey—a realization that coffee could not creation of Blue Bottle Studio, we uncover layers of his
only sustain a business but also forge connections and character. His desire to explore the myriad expressions
ignite passion. In discussing the transformative impact of coffee speaks to a curiosity that fuels his creativity.
of the Studio experience on both baristas and custom- Yet, beneath the surface, there’s a hint of vulnerabili-
ers, James expresses his admiration for the dedicated ty—a recognition of the “selfish joy” derived from
individuals who bring Blue Bottle’s vision to life. pursuing one’s passion.
As Blue Bottle continues to evolve and expand, The interview offers fleeting glimpses into James’s
James envisions a future where the Studio experience future aspirations—the expansion of Blue Bottle Studio
transcends geographical boundaries. His words echo a to new horizons, the infusion of omotenashi into the
sentiment of boundless possibility, where the spirit of core ethos of Blue Bottle. Through his words, we dis-
Blue Bottle Studio can touch lives across the globe, cern a man and a brand with a global vision, a desire
fostering connections and appreciation for exception- to transcend geographical boundaries and foster con-
al coffee craftsmanship. nections through exceptional coffee experiences.
In discussing the complexities of modern coffee Yet, amidst discussions of global expansion and
culture, James reflects on the balance between expe- coffee market dynamics, James remains rooted in in-
rience and social media, stating, “Eventually we’ll trospection. His emphasis on attentive listening and
realize we get to choose. Do I pay attention to my authenticity underscores a deeper philosophy—one that
waffle? Or do I take a picture... And what’s the real transcends business metrics and profit margins. Blue Bottle Coffee founder James Freeman(middle)
experience is to pay attention.” This introspective As we reflect on James’s narrative, we are invited to and Global Head of Innovation Benjamin Brewer(left),
approach underscores Blue Bottle’s dedication to ponder our own aspirations and passions. What drives us Senior Global Omotenashi Manager Ryoto Kichikawa(Right)
authenticity and the fundamental joy of savoring a to pursue excellence? How do we infuse our endeavors Photo / Blue Bottle Coffee
moment, unencumbered by distractions. with purpose and meaning? In James’s journey, we find
Ultimately Blue Bottle’s commitment to excellence echoes of our own quest for fulfillment—a reminder that
extends beyond aesthetics or trends—it’s about touch- true success lies not just in external achievements but in
ing hearts and fostering genuine connections through the relentless pursuit of our passions, in touching hearts
exceptional coffee experiences. and fostering genuine connections.
Through the lens of this interview, James Freeman
A Visionary Rooted in Introspection emerges not just as a founder but as a visionary man
driven by a simple yet profound aspiration: to craft
From the inception of Blue Bottle Studio to its moments of joy, one cup at a time.
meticulous curation, James Freeman’s fingerprints are
evident at every turn. His commitment to excellence,
coupled with a penchant for innovation, propels Blue
Bottle Studio into the realm of sensory transcendence.
Yet, amidst the brass bars and vintage furniture lies a
deeper narrative—a man driven by a simple yet pro-
found aspiration: to do the best work possible.
What's the real
experience is
to pay attention.
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