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 Why isn’t Kopi Gayo Called “Mandheling”?
             Recalling the 3-day journey in the Gayo
 Where does the name “Mandheling” come from? In   origin, what touched us the most were
 fact, it is neither the name of a coffee bean variety nor
 an origin, but of the local Mandailing ethnic group. The   the smiles of coffee farmers, in addition
 story  stems  from  a  minor  mistake:  a  Japanese  soldier
 thought the coffee he drank was called “Mandheling” in   to the good coffee.
 his  talks  with  Indonesians.  When  the  coffee  was  later
 shipped to Japan by companies, it turned out to be a big   ers  recognized  the  commercial  value  of  coffee,  their
 hit in the market and went global. Now, “Mandheling” is   previous agricultural structure dominated by pepper and
 used to refer to all Arabica coffee produced in Sumatra.   tea gave way.
 In other words, it has no real meaning. As the demand   Today, the mountains of Gayo Highlands are full of
 for Mandheling grows, controversy has arisen over the   coffee trees. “That’s a whole area of wild trees over here.
 quality and consistency, and the generic name has become   Along our drive, you may notice the road is flanked by tall
 not friendly for local coffee promotion.  and short trees. The short ones are coffee trees. They’re
 Some Mandheling may show an obvious herbal fla-  naturally paired together,” Sumardo told us after getting
 vor, but some stand out with woody tones, confusing you   out of the car. Local farmers keep the traditional agrofor-
 with the quality and consistency. The generic name is to   estry composite system to plant different fruits, such as
 blame to a large degree, because what you drink may be   plantain and passion fruit, alongside crops and forest trees,
 a  commercial  blend  of  beans  from  various  regions.  To   such as coffee, rice, and corn. Such a system prevents soil
 differentiate the beans, different nomenclature has been   erosion, improves the microclimate of farmland, and allows
 used in the international market, such as Sumatra Mand-  various plants and crops to supplement each other’s growth.
 heling, Sumatra Gayo and Mandheling Gayo. The locals   In the coffee field, we ate guavas, plantains, passion fruits,
 use the name “Kopi Gayo” for the same reason – to em-  loquat fruits, and coffee berries. All tasted sweet.
 phasize the specialty grade. “The Gayo people are proud   Such high quality is owed to the natural conditions.
 of their coffee beans. You can feel it from the start of the   The average temperature in the Gayo Highlands stands at
 harvest. They consciously pick the bright red berries and   20°c throughout the year, with no seasonal differences. In
 rarely  blend  with  beans  from  other  regions.  Here,  you   addition to fertile volcanic soil, coffee growing conditions
 can even buy coffee beans from designated hills,” local   here are characterized by a humid tropical climate and high
 Q-Grader Sumardo told us.  altitude. The coffee-growing areas range from 1,100-1,600m
 How good is Gayo coffee? A Dutch trading com-  above sea level. Each hill has its own microclimate, with
 pany  once  attempted  to  register  a  trademark  under   year-round rain and fog. During the harvest season, there
 “Gayo Mountain Coffee” to monopolize the market. To   may be more than one rainfall in a day. All these conditions
 avoid unfair trade practices, Gayo coffee has now ob-  are ideal for coffee planting and processing.
 tained  geographical  indication  certification  and  the
 E.U. trademark.  Countless  Hands  and  Machines  Prior  to
 Gayo Highlands, Biodiversity Hotspots
 Gayo  coffee  comes  from  small-scale  farming.  The
 Sumatra  Island  sits  on  the  golden  belt  of  coffee   Arabica  produced  here  are  mainly  Catimor  and  Typica,
 origins.  Gayo  Highlands  is  a  famous  growing  area  for   which  can  be  harvested  twice  a  year  –  the  big  harvest
 Arabica coffee.  during  October-December,  and  a  small  harvest  during
 Located among the mountains of Central Aceh, North   March-May. A long processing and marketing chain from
 Sumatra, the Gayo Highlands is part of the Mount Leuser   the origin of the Medan port is also included.
 National Park, one of the biodiversity hotspots. The har-  Hope all of us will have opportunities to
 vesting of wild fruits alone generates massive income and
 employment opportunities for local people. Most of them   visit the Gayo origin again and again,
 are  farmers  who  are  highly  dependent  on  agricultural
 products, including coffee.  and share the circulated happiness with
 In the 17th century, the Dutch introduced coffee to
 their colony in Indonesia. In 1904, the Dutch established   local coffee farmers.
 the first coffee plantation in Tanah Gayo. As local farm-

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