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C                                                                                                 Holy Pin
                                                                                          Photo /  Kevin Miyazaki
 Feet on the Ground, Head in the Clouds  Similarly, while exploring the simple combination
 of  strawberry,  lime,  and  matcha,  we  discovered  that
 When  I  worked  as  an  application  scientist  at  the   waterless strawberry syrup made in a vacuum bag cre-
 global flavor house Kerry Ingredients, my mentor Travis   ated a far more beautiful product than strawberry juice
 Ralph,  now  head  of  RD&A  for  Alcoholic  Beverages,   simmered  with  sugar.  Since,  we  have  utilized  our  im-
 taught me an incredibly useful framework. The compa-  mersion  circulator  to  create  countless  products,  from
 ny conducted extensive annual market research designed   sous vide coffee to infused milks, dulce de leche, and a
 to sort common and novel flavors into categories from   veritable cornucopia of waterless syrups.
 the mainstream to emerging, representing tried and true   The greater your tool belt grows, the more you will
 next to tomorrow’s trends. When creating for the mass   be able to express yourself through your creations, and
 market,  where  we  were  looking  to  appeal  to  diverse   your  audience  will  follow  along,  waiting  with  baited
 audiences  spanning  millions  of  people  in  an  unimag-  breath. This has a tremendous effect on the job satisfaction
 inable swath of demographics, the best strategy was to   of your team, the engagement of your guests, and the top
 stick to two flavors: one mainstream and one emerging.   line revenue of your company.
 I remember this method as Feet on the Ground, Head in
 the Clouds: a constant reminder to never forget where   Leveling Up
 we are on the way to where we’re going.
 Take  for  example  Strawberry  &  Rhubarb,  Basil  &   So where do you find inspiration for these new cre-
 Yuzu, or Cherry & Black Cardamom. Combinations like   ations? And if they are popular, how do you work them
 these serve to meet your guests where they are, balancing   into  your  cafe  without  destroying  the  ticket  time  your
 comfort and growth, and more critically, building trust.   guests have grown to expect?
 As your audience comes to associate you more directly   For many, looking to the World Coffee Events com-
 with flavor innovation, they will seek to dive deeper into   petition stage is both a source of inspiration and trepida-
 the unknown, trusting you as their guide. From this mo-  tion: an equal volley of “Wow, we need to do that” and
 ment on, the floor is yours. The weirder the better: the   “It’s just not practical”. After seven years of refining the
 more  wild,  the  more  wonder.  Oftentimes,  our  greatest   process of achieving narrative-based innovation at scale,
 innovations have stemmed from an extensive exploration   we devised a system that fundamentally changed the way
 of these relatively simple frameworks.   we run our cafes called “Magic Moments”.
 Channel  Orange,  which  has  found  a  home  on  our
 permanent  menu,  was  our  first  exploration  into  house
 made powders, a technique that has come to define many
 of  the  lattes  we  have  created  since.  What  began  as  an
 examination of how we could apply orange oleo saccharum
 to the latte format, resulting in a (miserable) waste-re-
 duction attempt to eat the dehydrated candied peels before
 the marvelous realization that the brilliant flavor of can-
 died orange could be transferred much more pleasantly
 via powder than rigid rind.

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