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sports boys when they were young, so they already had the stage at the end of the day. To achieve that, Marcia
a competitive mindset. Moreover, she found that just like Yoko points out that being a good listener is key. She
herself, Boram is not only satisfied with making coffee told me: “You have to extract the best you can for the
in their home country. They both aim for the world stage. competitor, and being a good listener helps you under-
Marcia Yoko still remembers when they were still dis- stand them better.” Marcia Yoko also mentioned the
cussing if they would join the competition; she sent Boram third essential point: being dynamic and proactive –
4 questions on diet, exercise, therapy, and the goal for always looking for inspiration, books, documentaries,
the competition. Boram texted her back his answer in less and other coach experiences.
than 5 minutes and said with determination that he want- When asked how to detect a potential barista
ed to be a world champion. champion, Marcia Yoko emphasized the importance of
The dream finally came true for both of them last personality and attitude. She thinks “to be a champion
year. For the first time ever, a Brazilian competitor won is more about responsibility, not barista skill.” You can
the World Barista Championship – Boram Um and the always learn and practice your barista skills, but chang-
Brazilian team behind showed the world what Brazilian ing one person’s personality is hard. The barista’s atti-
baristas can do. As the head coach for Boram Um’s team, tude and energy are also crucial. It is not just about how
Marcia Yoko does not shy away from happiness, but at you present on the stage but also behind the bar and
the same time, she still keeps her humble attitude. She with other colleagues.
said: “Honestly, I do not consider myself a head coach. I For barista competitors, Marcia Yoko also gave her
think my position is more like a manager. I grew up a lot advice: training in basic techniques in the off-season,
Japan was the first Asian country that Marcia Yoko portant amid all the severe climate change. Like wine, during the process, and I think this is the most important always being ready, and focusing on different aspects of
chose to explore. As a Japanese descendant, she not only climate change also threatens the amount of land and part of the competition – growing up as a person. I feel the competition when the competition season comes.
speaks the language fluently but also understands the the altitude used to grow coffee that has the optimal very happy about the achievement. Hard work, discipline, What’s more, the competitor and team mindset is the
culture. In the 2010s, Japan was one of the most advanced Arabica growing temperatures. and good attitudes help you to achieve your goal.” most important thing. “Be open-minded, resilient, hum-
coffee markets. Marcia Yoko remembered that some of Nevertheless, for Marcia Yoko, sustainable farming Looking back on the way to the championship, it ble, and assertive when needed.” She concluded.
the premium and unique brand coffee names only exist- is not a new thing at all. The Second World War and the was hard to believe how much they had overcome. For Being in the industry for over 20 years, Marcia Yoko
ed in Japan then, such as Jamaica Blue Mountain, Hawaii population boom afterward taught a generation of Japa- the World Barista Championship, the presentation time has done a lot, from farming to exporting to competing
Kona, Indonesia Mandelin, Moka Matari, and Colombia nese, like Marcia Yoko’s father, the importance of inno- is only 15 minutes, but the whole preparation period and judging, and now coaching for the world barista
Emerald Mountain. The market had great potential, but vative and sustainable agriculture and food consumption. takes years of practice and training repeated every day champion. She has also experienced and learned a lot
all of Marcia Yoko’s Brazilian colleagues told her that For more than 20 years, Marcia Yoko’s father has been from sunrise to sunset, and endless rethinking and along the way by visiting different places and people
doing business with the Japanese was very difficult. “I studying the impact of using herbicides in the soil. Her adjusting to achieve perfection. As soon as Boram de- working in various aspects of the coffee industry. How-
can see I have an opportunity in this market, considering father’s agriculture consulting company focuses on com- cided to compete, Maria Yoko helped make a very tight ever, what keeps her motivated is the coffee community
my background.” She said. In the next few years, Marcia bining mineral and organic fertilizations and other sus- and intense training routine. Even if it was not a com- itself, with all the good people in it. Through the coffee
Yoko has been cooperating with Japanese coffee trading tainable techniques. Marcia Yoko said she was delighted petition season, they still kept on training, inserting all connection, Marcia Yoko always feels grateful that she
companies to import high-quality coffee beans from to see that all those techniques have become standard in the physical, mental, and barista techniques skills into has a chance to contribute, whether by supplying green
Latin America. She led the quality control for Ataka coffee farms now. their normal working time. coffee, helping in the competition, or even sharing a cup
Trading Company, a Japanese trading company focusing In the first year of training for the national com- of coffee and listening to people’s stories.
on wholesale distribution of groceries and related prod- Nourishing the Next Coffee Star petition, Boram was preparing for six months in secret, After winning the World Barista Championship,
ucts, to import Blue Mountain Coffee from Jamaica and which was very intense. Maria Yoko has designed some Marcia Yoko feels her journey to show the world a differ-
50 different coffee country producers. She is also the Regarding farming, exporting, and education, Marcia of the most challenging training for Boram. One of ent perspective on Brazilian coffee has just started. For
consultant responsible for quality control for all Latin Yoko thinks more is needed to show the world about their training is to make Boram give a time-limited her, that is the way to keep on nourishing the coffee
American suppliers for Mi Cafeto, one of Japan’s top Brazilian coffee. As a sports lover and barista competition speech without seeing the timer. Another time, Marcia community in which she grew up.
specialty coffee brands. fan, she always wanted a Brazilian World Barista Cham- Yoko would modify the settings, such as hiding some
“During my years working in Asia, my effort was pion. She thought that it would be the most significant tools or suddenly changing places after Boram finished
and still is showing the reality in producers’ way to the contribution she could make to the Brazilian coffee com- his set-up, to simulate possible emergencies during a
market, including the hard work, the volumes, as well as munity. She has always kept an eye on potential candidates formal competition. Boram had to learn to fix them
the political and social challenges faced, and show the who participated in the Brazilian domestic selection during his presentations.
people the real value of that. At the same time, I also want competition over the years, waiting for a potential cham- Marcia Yoko believes that as a good coach, it is
to open their minds and make them understand more pion to come up. With years of experience in the coffee vital to create the best environment where baristas can
about Brazilian coffee.” She concluded. industry, judging hundreds of baristas, Marcia Yoko has perform on their own – always remember your position
Besides trading and teaching, Marcia Yoko Shimo- the instinct to detect a qualified future champion. How- in the team and support and help extract the best from
saka’s other focus in recent years is sustainable farm- ever, she was frustrated to see most national baristas fail the barista. Moreover, respecting and focusing on baris-
ing. Sustainable farming has become increasingly im- until she met Boram Um. Boram and his brother were tas’ ideas is equally essential because the barista takes
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