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gance. Inspired by the principles of Japanese mini- tion to detail. The exterior features three modest playful touch, complemented by a flower petal pat-
malism, the design embraces simplicity, balance, and gable forms in black, contrasting elegantly with tern radiating outwards, creating a whimsical con-
attention to detail. Central to the concept is the warm pine wood interior walls. Upon entering, nection to the surrounding environment. Overall,
integration of trees into the heart of space, symbol- guests experience a fluid transition with curved the architect’s thoughtful integration of elements
izing resilience, vitality, and the passage of time. spaces leading deeper into the café, creating a dy- creates an immersive and engaging experience for
The majestic baobab tree, with its sprawling namic and memorable atmosphere. customers to uncover and enjoy.
branches reaching towards the sky, serves as a focal The building’s layout, divided into smaller sec- Regarding the selection process of coffee beans
point, infusing the cafe with a sense of wonder and tions, fosters a human-scale environment, delineating that you will find in Harudot and the overall ap-
enchantment. Externally, the facade adopts a mini- zones such as the bar, lounge, and meeting room. The proach to coffee production, Wasin’s personal phi-
Harudot: The Birth of a Coffee Oasis malist aesthetic, characterized by sleek lines and innovative design incorporates giant gable roofs with losophy emphasized authenticity and connection.
monochromatic tones, while internally, warm pine voids, allowing trees to penetrate through, fostering a “When curating our lineup, my goal is simple: I want
Harudot emerges as a sanctuary for coffee en- wood walls evoke a sense of intimacy and warmth. semi-outdoor ambiance while maintaining a connection it to be a true reflection of the coffee producers we
thusiasts, a harmonious blend of nature’s bounty and with nature. These voids, replicated indoors with Bar- love,” he stated. “This relationship keeps our cus-
architectural ingenuity. Conceived as a standalone Bringing the Vision to Life risol stretch ceilings, diffuse lighting, creating a cozy tomer closer to the producer, bridging global gaps.”
cafe in Chonburi, Thailand, Harudot is the brainchild atmosphere and visually linking both spaces. Reflecting on the genesis of Harudot, Wasin
of a collaborative effort between Nana Coffee Roast- The allure of Harudot lies in its meticulous at- The seating arrangement, designed as a contin- shares, “Harudot embodies the essence of Nana
ers and a landlord with a passion for distinctive flora. tention to detail, from the custom-designed fonts uous ribbon, provides continuity, with varying coun- Coffee Roasters—a commitment to quality, innova-
The name “Haru,” meaning “Spring” in Japanese, and signage to the terrazzo floor patterns reminiscent ter heights to accommodate different functions. tion, and the pursuit of excellence. Each design
symbolizes a new beginning, while “Dot” represents a of fallen flower petals. The seamless integration of Outdoor seating, crafted from resin infused with element tells a story, weaving together the rich
starting point—a convergence of cultures, ideas, and natural and man-made elements create a harmonious coffee grounds, rice, and leaves, reflects the café’s tapestry of our brand’s heritage.” Echoing his sen-
aspirations. Rooted in the concept of growth and re- synergy, inviting patrons to embark on a sensory theme. Attention to detail extends to graphic ele- timents, IDIN Architects remark, “Harudot repre-
newal, Harudot breathes life into its surroundings, in- journey unlike any other. ments, featuring custom-designed fonts and signage sents a convergence of cultures and ideas, a cele-
viting patrons on a journey of discovery and delight. The café brand draws heavy inspiration from inspired by circular motifs and the spring season. bration of nature’s beauty and the human spirit. We
The architectural vision of Harudot unfolds as Japanese culture, reflected in its architectural de- Terrazzo flooring, meticulously designed with are honored to have played a part in bringing this
a tapestry of natural elements and understated ele- sign emphasizing simplicity with meticulous atten- circular separations and embedded quotes, adds a vision to life.”
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