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The Café Femenino project not only recognized advertisements for the project. Social media has mans, helping us feel as part of a group,community, who
women as coffee producers but also ensured that they played a significant role in spreading the word about would like to ‘make this world a better place’. And as we
were paid fairly for their production. Over time, the the cause, the project, and the impeccable quality of know well, at the end this succeeds in having an impact
project has grown into a foundation that empowers Café Femenino coffee. Additionally, the baristi at Café because ‘every little helps’.”
women in remote growing regions across nine cof- Femenino excel in explaining the story and mission The Café Femenino Greece project is built on a strong
fee-producing countries. The impact of this project on behind it to each customer. foundation of financial support for the Café Femenino
coffee-growing communities has been immense. When I asked Marilena about the community global project. As a first step, when the green coffee is
Through Café Femenino, women have been able impact, she told me that the Café Femenino project has imported from the producing countries to Greece before
to earn decent incomes, assume leadership roles, obtain had a profound impact on both a global and a local roasting, a 20% premium is paid on the actual price of the
land titles, and receive the credit and acknowledgment scale, “One of the most fundamental needs of human coffee. This premium is then directly reinvested in the
they deserve. Most importantly, the project has em- beings is the sense of belonging in a group and that is women’s cooperatives according to their specific needs.
powered women, boosting their confidence and leading what communities are all about. The Café Femenino Additionally, for every cup of coffee sold in the store,
to positive changes such as increased girls’ attendance project emphasizes and enhances the sense of commu- 0.025E is contributed as financial aid to the communities
at school, reduced instances of physical, emotional, nity in a double way both locally and globally. Global- of the women coffee growers. The women themselves
and sexual abuse within households, increased family ly,in producing countries, it has managed to bring decide how this aid can be most beneficially utilized.
income, and greater male participation in childcare. together women in cooperatives to work in the most Marilena tells me that the reaction of the local com-
Over on the other side of the world, Greek resi- efficient way in order to promote their financial inter- munity to this new project has been really moving, “From
dent Marilena Kouidou, had been in coffee trading for ests but also for them to have a strong sense of belong- the very beginning people were attracted to this different
more than 20 years, when she came across the concept ing, a clear vision and a platform that will support their but also authentic concept. That was what made them try
of women-produced coffees being traded in Europe empowerment. Locally,in consuming countries it our product by coming to the store or ordering at home.
during the beginning of the Covid years. This concept promotes a sense of belonging , as one feels that they Yet, I can not emphasize enough that our customers became
fascinated her, given her extensive experience in the can help even with a very small gesture , like buying loyal and engaged due to the amazing quality of the coffee.
sector and her family’s long-standing tradition in cof- and drinking a flat white from the Café Femenino store, One has to understand that this is one of the key points
fee trading since 1926. Having observed the heavily a much bigger cause. The whole project believes in –beliefs of the Café Femenino project. This project is not
male-dominated nature of the sector throughout her trying to bring out the kind part that exists in all hu- about charity and philanthropy, the women at the Café
Photo / Café Femenino
career, Marilena had always been puzzled and uncom- Femenino cooperatives are educated and produce coffees
fortable with the limited participation of women. of the highest quality. They are all certified as specialty
Neighborhood cafes also play a vital role in pro- As she delved deeper into the topic of gender coffee, are Faitrade- and Organic-certified. This is the
moting local culture within their communities. From inequality in coffee, Marilena discovered the Café reason our customers are repeaters’.”
showcasing local artwork on their walls, to featuring Femenino project. The idea thrilled her, and she found The amazing coffee, the inspiring story of female
live music performances by local musicians, these herself inspired by the stories of the women who were empowerment, and the incredible loyalty of customers who
establishments help celebrate the unique characteris- actively involved in the Café Femenino cooperatives, continue to come back for more, all contribute to making
tics and talents of their community. This not only adds “I shared my excitement and findings with two other Café Femenino Coffee an advocate for building a strong
to the charm and character of the cafe but also con- women friends which also found it an amazing project and supportive community, both on a local and global scale.
tributes to a strong sense of local pride. In addition to and so a new business idea was created for a retail
promoting culture, these cafes also have a significant store that would just serve coffees sourced by the fe-
economic impact on their communities. By sourcing male cooperatives of the Café Femenino project. We
their ingredients from local suppliers and partnering contacted the Café Femenino foundation in the U.S.
with nearby businesses, neighborhood cafes help sup- and its amazing and admirable director Connie Kolos-
port and empower the local economy. This creates a vary and we got the official license of opening the first
ripple effect that benefits not just the cafe itself but Café Femenino retail store in Europe. We finally
other small businesses in the community as well. opened it at the end of July 2021.” Marilena tells me.
But what if a local community could make a dif- The founding idea behind Café Femenino Greece
ference on a global scale? The Café Femenino project was that by opening a retail store and bringing every- Consumers walking
is a revolutionary initiative that aims to empower day consumers in contact with the cause and the
women in coffee-producing communities worldwide. project, awareness would rise regarding the issue of around with the
It all began in 2003 when 464 women in Northern Peru gender inequality in the coffee sector, especially in cup became walking
co-founded the project with the Organic Products the producing countries, and the mission of the Café
Trading Company. Frustrated by the lack of recognition Femenino project. The Café Femenino logo was placed advertisements for
and fair compensation for their work in the coffee on the cup along with some quotes, created by their
industry, these women decided to take matters into advertising company, to portray the whole idea. Con- the project.
their own hands. sumers walking around with the cup became walking
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