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It’s Not About The Brew; It’s About The Crew In roasting was reserved for a select few. Compound Coffee
2014, a similar story was brewing north-west of Austra- Co. Executive Officers, Stefanus and Odelia Goana tell
lia, in the small country of Singapore. What started as a me that the feedback was heartening, “We have received
deep-seated passion for coffee evolved into a pioneering amazing feedback from first-timers. People learnt that
co-roasting space, setting the stage for a thriving coffee coffee roasting can be therapeutic and that it’s not as
community. Founded on the principle of sharing knowl- difficult as it seems. However, to be a professional, of
edge and love for the coffee bean, Compound Coffee Co. course, you must practice for hours and hours. Just like
quickly became a hub where coffee enthusiasts, from mastering ballet, one needs to practice diligently, and
novices to seasoned professionals, gathered to learn, maintain it. It doesn’t happen in one night.”
collaborate, and dream big. The magic of Compound Coffee Co. extended be- Co-roasting spaces are more than just
From the inception, Compound Coffee Co. priori- yond just coffee beans. It was a place where a diverse
tized knowledge sharing. Offering workshops based on group of people felt like family, coming together to play workplaces; they are vibrant knowledge-
extensive research and experimentation, the space en- and learn. Workshops, training sessions, and “public
abled individuals, even those with no prior roasting cupping parties” became a regular feature. In the words sharing centers.
experience, to master the art of coffee roasting. It was of the founders, “If you’ve ever wondered about coffee’s
an ambitious mission – to demystify the notion that secrets, we’re here to spill the beans and support you on
your coffee journey.” Stefanus says.
But the heart of Compound Coffee Co. went beyond
its doors. Recognizing the plight of small coffee farmers, Competing Together showcase their creativity and technical skills in pouring
the company embarked on a mission to make a difference. intricate designs on top of milk-based beverages.
By partnering with a sister company, Compound Coffee The words “community” and “compete” have a com- Aside from promoting excellence and healthy com-
Co. aimed to empower these unsung heroes by starting mon thread in the Latin root word “com-” which means petition within the specialty coffee community, these
a farm in East Java, Indonesia. They envisioned a program “together”. In “community”, the prefix “com-” emphasiz- events also serve as community-building opportunities.
where anyone from anywhere in the world could adopt es the idea of people coming together, sharing common Coffee enthusiasts from all walks of life come together to
a coffee tree, connect with the farmer’s family, and im- interests, and forming a group. Similarly, in “compete”, support and celebrate their favorite baristas or roasters,
prove their livelihoods. the prefix “com-” suggests striving or contending togeth- creating a sense of camaraderie among like-minded indi-
What truly sets Compound Coffee Co. and Criteria er, indicating a sense of competition among individuals viduals. Through networking opportunities and knowledge
Coffee apart is their collaborative spirit. Every client and or groups aiming for the same goal. So, both words share exchange, participants are able to learn from each other
customer is considered a valued partner, not a compet- the notion of people coming together and working towards and form valuable connections that can lead to new col-
itor. Both celebrate the success of their clients, firmly something, albeit in different contexts. laborations and business ventures.
believing in the power of collaboration. Coffee competitions have become a vital aspect of Coffee competitions also have a significant impact
The success stories that have arisen from both the specialty coffee industry, bringing together profes- on the coffee industry as a whole. By setting trends and
Compound Coffee Co. and Criteria Coffee tell a compel- sionals and enthusiasts alike in celebration of excellence pushing boundaries, these events drive innovation and
ling tale. They’ve introduced unique coffees to the pub- in the craft. These events not only showcase the skills bring new techniques and flavor profiles to the fore-
lic, helped cafes craft signature flavors, and contributed and talents of the participants but also serve as oppor- front. Not only do they recognize and celebrate talent
to the rise of now-famous specialty coffee roasters. In a tunities for networking and knowledge exchange. The and skill, but they also inspire others to constantly
world where coffee is more than just a drink, co-roasting role of coffee competitions goes beyond simply award- improve and push the limits of what is possible in the
spaces seem to have become an emblem of community, ing winners with prizes and recognition. Through fierce world of specialty coffee.
collaboration, and the pursuit of dreams. yet friendly competition, baristas, roasters, and latte Behind every competitor in a coffee competition
artists push themselves to constantly improve their lies a unique story of dedication, passion, and hard work.
craft, ultimately raising the bar for quality in the indus- These events serve as a platform for individuals to
try as a whole. showcase their personal journeys in the industry, from
There are various types of coffee competitions that overcoming challenges to achieving triumphs. Through
cater to different aspects of the trade. Barista compe- their stories, they inspire others to pursue their own
titions test a contestant’s ability to prepare perfectly dreams in the competitive world of coffee.
crafted espresso beverages while showcasing their As the specialty coffee industry continues to
Ong Shi Chun, knowledge on flavor profiles and brewing techniques. evolve, so do coffee competitions. New formats are
Singapore’s 2019 Coffee Roasting competitions challenge contestants to create constantly being introduced, catering to a wider range
in Good Spirits Champion, the best roast profile for a specific coffee, showcasing of skills and interests. Inclusivity and diversity are also
roasting at Compound
Coffee Co. their understanding of the science and art behind roast- becoming increasingly important, with efforts being
ing. Latte art competitions put the spotlight on the made to make these events accessible to individuals
Photo / Maximillian Wee visual aspect of coffee-making, requiring contestants to from all backgrounds and cultures.
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