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                                                          printing has risen dramatically. Sales have slowed as people
                                                          and coffee shops are (understandably) more cautious with
                                                          their discretionary purchases.

                                                          Return  to  In-Person Celebration  and The

                                                              Though it has been anything but easy, Coffee People Zine
                                                          celebrated another year of publication in 2023, and a revival
                                                          of in-person zine release parties. The effects and waves of
                                                          COVID-19 are ongoing, yet it finally feels possible (and ap-
                                                          propriate) to invite people to celebrate together again.The first
                                                          event celebrated the release of Issue 20 (March 2023) with
                                                          live music and an artist/craft fair in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
                                                          The belated Issue 21 party (September 2023) was a collabo-
                                                          rative 2-day event in Seattle, Washington, which included an
                                                          art show, live music, a coffee tasting, and a draw-along event.
                                                          These release parties weren’t just events; they were reunions.
                                                          They brought me back to the foundation of Coffee People
                                                          Zine, the reason I created this publication in the first place - to
                                                          celebrate the creativity of the coffee community.
                                                              In all honesty I am uncertain about the future of Coffee
                                                          People Zine. I am proud of this publication and the commu-
                                                          nity that has gathered around its pages. However, the realities
                                                          of running a print publication are harsh. Cost of production
                                                          continues to rise, digital platforms are becoming more com-
                                                          mon than print/physical, and sponsorships and sales haven’t
                                                          recovered from the COVID dip.
                                                              As I write this piece, I have just celebrated the newest
                                                          release - Issue 22 (released November 2023). This is my
                                                          favorite moment of the publication process, when I gather
                                                          together all of the submissions and marvel at the talent,
                                                          skill,  brilliance,  diversity,  passion,  multidimensionality,
                                                          and  creativity  of  coffee  people  worldwide.  It’s  a  special
 Coffee People Zine continued to be a source of connec-  A reader told me that they felt a sense of community every   thing  -  to  hold  the  artwork  in  its  physical  form,  to  flip
 tion, holding zine release parties on Instagram LIVE, posting   time a new issue came in the mail. Through the artwork on   through  the  pages  of  all  the  submissions  sent  in,  and  to
 art prompts, hosting raffles and giveaways, sharing behind-  the pages, they felt like they were connecting with people   send it out into the world.
 the-scenes stories of coffee people contributors and their   over shared identities (being coffee people), which made   Publishing Coffee  People  Zine  fills  me  with  a  deep
 artwork, and more. Though it was founded to be an in-person   them feel less alone. I kept hearing that people who had   sense of gratitude for artists, that they trust me with their
 experience, Coffee People Zine became a virtual stage for   previously felt isolated working within the coffee industry   work, and to readers, that they want to be part of this com-
 contributors to share their artistic talents beyond the pages.   now felt welcomed on the pages of Coffee People Zine. The   munity gathered at the crossroads of coffee and creativity.
 “I have come to   For me, the publication became a lifeline to maintain a sense   publication became a hub where they could express their   I have come to understand that, above all, a sense of com-
 of connection, to open a space when people were otherwise   love for coffee and creativity, free from the constraints of   munity is essential to people’s wellbeing. Everyone wants
 understand that,   isolated, and show artists that their work matters to someone.   traditional coffee culture. This feedback bolstered my ded-  to feel included, recognized, and valued for who they are
 I heard from many artists, contributors, and readers
 above all, a sense   that they felt the same way. One poet told me he was about   ication to the zine, and I continued to release new issues   and what they bring to the table - whether as a latte artist,
                                                          a poet, or anything in between.
           every 3 months throughout 2020, 2021, and 2022.
                                                              Many  things  have  changed  since  that  first  issue  in
               I  wish  I  could  say  it  was  easy  once  I  realized  how
 of community is   to give up writing entirely until his piece was published in   meaningful Coffee  People  Zine  is  not  only  to  me,  but  to   March of 2018, and though I am uncertain about the future
 Coffee People Zine. This gave him confidence to continue
 essential to peple’s   expressing himself through this art form he loved. Another   contributors,  readers,  and  the  community,  but  it  has  not   of Coffee People Zine, there is no doubt in my mind that
                                                          this publication has celebrated the creativity of the coffee
 artist told me that, upon learning that her work was accept-
           been a smooth road. Funding that once was plentiful has
 wellbeing.”  ed into the zine, she felt emboldened to submit to other   significantly decreased due to reduced budgets. Global sup-  community with every issue. It will continue to do so as
                                                          long as it is in print.
 publications and has since been published elsewhere as well.
           ply chain issues created a paper shortage, and the cost of
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