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 She  is  an  introvert  and  doesnn’t  always  desire
 to or have the easiest time “peopling,” for lack of a
 better term. It’s a struggle in how she feel versus how
 she is sometimes perceived or how she is awkwardly
 present in society.
 The way she finds to be a community member
 seems to be like a breakthrough in her life which is
 focused on talking to Southeastern Roastery’s cus-
 tomers  and  seeing  how  Southeastern  Roastery  can
 fit  in.  “This  goes  back  a  bit  to  the  practice  of    the
 fourth aspect of the dharma wheel in Buddhism, the
 Right  Action,  so  trying  to  see  what  is  suitable  and
 helpful. As I love meditation and outdoor activities,
 we  have  contributed  to  Beyond  Mindfulness  Com-
 munity and have worked with the local Canton Kay-
 ak Club which is a non-environmental, environmen-
 t a l - f r i e nd ly   a s s o c i at i o n .   I   p e r s o n a l ly   e n j oyed
 creative  activities  so  I’ve  linked  up  with  Creative
 Nomads, a Baltimore Arts organization, as a sponsor
 and  also  Baltimore  Clayworks  in  selling  handmade
 mugs in our shop that support their youth program-
 ming.  I’m  also  in  the  local  community  garden  and
 contribute to pro-farmer initiatives because I believe
 in the support of local food systems and food system
 economic sustainability.” In Candi’s active involve-
 ment  in  the  community,  she  has  also  found  many
 participants who are moving the community forward
 in  their  own  ways.  Recently  she  is  impressed  by
 Lovettsville  Cooperative  Market.  “They  have  been
 working hard to support local farmers and producers
 as an independent grocery that fills a gap in smaller
 towns that have population but not enough to draw
 a local chain. It’s their first time and I’m excited to
 see this group thrive.”
 She cares about the people in her community.
 For example, she was a bit adamant about not offer-  also  purchase  green  coffees  from  women-owned   Without  his  support  I  wouldn’t  be  where  I  am.  1863   Virginia.  “There  are  always  pivots,  changes  in  some
 ing  coffee  after  2pm.  “It’s  generally  not  beneficial   importers  mainly  for  our  Ethiopian  and  Brazilian   Ventures, Halcyon and my advisors, family, and friends   form or fashion. We have since creation moved a cou-
 in keeping a healthy sleep pattern. So, we aren’t open   coffees. We aim to really support women throughout   that have and do make time to lend me space to learn and   ple of times,first to Washington DC and then to Balti-
 at  night.”  said  Candy   Another  example  is,  during   the value chain of coffee.” said Candy.  talk are critical for my professional and personal mental   more. I have been pretty set on focusing on the manu-
 COVID-19, Southeastern Roastery made the pivot to   In  Candy ’s  opinion,  the  situation  of  small   wellness. My coffee community is large, I think everyone   facturing  of  coffee,  though  we  have  a  small  cafe  in
 focus  on  white-label  –  It  refers  to  when  a  coffee   businesses  as  a  specific  aspect  of  commerce  in   I have been able to work with has contributed in some   Baltimore,  Maryland  now.”  said  Candy.  The  poem
 roaster, produces coffee for another company to sell   neighborhoods  not  only  creates  a  sense  of  local   way to a significant portion of my growth and I’m grate-  mentioned in the beginning, ends like this:
 under their own name. This year was the first year   pride and charm, it also adds character, diversity,   ful for that. We consider all of our customers our partners.   “Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
 of  having  a  female  roasting  apprentice  program.   a nd   e nco u r a ge s   wa l k i n g   ve r s u s   d r iv i n g .   S m a l l   Growing with a network is important for leveraging ex-  the world offers itself to your imagination,
 They hosted an up and coming female roaster from   businesses also help keep large portions of money   pertise.” Candy said.   calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting
 Virginia  to  teach  principles  and  techniques.  “Our   in the local economy itself. We’re sure Southeast-  Now, she feels like more women are being recog-  over and over announcing your place
 white  label  roasting  largely  focuses  on  supporting   ern Roastery did all that.  nized  for  their  work  and  more  are  entering  into  the   in the family of things.”
 women owned businesses. Right now we are helping   Right now Southeastern Roastery’s staff include an   importing,  roasting,  and  business  ownership  spaces.   It seems to be about Candy’s life, too. Religion is
 grow  three  women-owned  coffee  companies.  We   operations manager. They also have two staff with us in   “This is exciting!” she said.  something she can grab onto to fight against Nihilism,
 largely  purchase  our  pastries  from  local  wom-  packaging and distribution. “It couldn’t have been done   Candy named the company in honor of the location   but she’s sincere, she does not try to make the world
 en-owned  bakeries  such  as  Harmony  Bakery  and   without  the  help  of  a  lot  of  people.  Todd  Arnette  has   where she first started roasting, which is southeastern   perfect, but trying her best to make every bit of love
 Maillard Pastries, both in Baltimore, Maryland. We   always  been  a  positive  teacher,  mentor  in  my  career.   Virginia. This specifically in reference  to  Smithfield,   she gives to the world perfect.

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