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In the coffee hotel,
knowledge can flow in
more relaxed and di-
The Coffee Hotel But why a hotel? Sharo explained. First of all, verse ways.
the coffee hotel will be a great introduction to all the
The coffee world is, of course, much bigger than tourists around the world about Rotterdam. Sharo
just Man Met Bril Koffie. Sharo wants to expand the observed that in recent years, Rotterdam has become
international coffee community by bringing the best a popular tourism destination. He has seen many
baristas and roasters to a coffee hotel where they can guests come to his coffee bar in the morning before
live temporarily and exchange and develop knowledge they start the day of city sightseeing. “We are already
with each other. No one has ever done this before. It getting a lot of tourists. If they’re here in the morn-
could be a revolutionary way of sharing knowledge. At ing for the coffee, why don’t we provide a place for
the same time, it will also be an excellent place for the them to stay? The idea behind it is just prolonging
neighborhood to learn all about coffee, enjoy good food, their stay.” he said.
play sports, or merely have a nice time together. The other idea behind the hotel is to create a bet-
The new Man Met Bril Koffie Hotel will have over ter space for people to exchange and use their profes-
20 hotel rooms/studios, a roastery, a coffee bar, meeting sional knowledge. It is not a coffee workshop or sem-
rooms, sports facilities, a restaurant, and a sunny terrace, inar where experts talk on stage to teach. That is a
and, to the greatest extent possible, with local partners one-dimensional way of learning. It is neither like a
in Rotterdam. It will be located in Crooswijk, Rotterdam, championship where people exchange ideas but in an
on the Linker Rottekade, with a perfect view over the aggressive way. Sharo commented: “It is a much more
Rotte. In terms of atmosphere, the hotel will adopt a laid-back way to learn from each other. We’re doing
natural and warm tone with light wooden furniture, a stuff to stimulate that.” Here in the coffee hotel, knowl-
continuation of the current coffee shop style. edge can flow in more relaxed and diverse ways.
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