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To understand infused coffees, we first need to define Defining Infused Coffees Being transparent brew products like drip bags and steep bags. He shares his
how the flavor of coffees is influenced in your cup. There insights, “These coffees help us engage a wider audience
are three factors that impact the development of flavors Defining infused coffees might seem easy from the about additives in and showcase coffee as a whole new way of drinking it.
inherent within the green bean: get-go, but the reality is far from it. Just like different types Traditionally, it was a beverage to wake you up, but in recent
• Varietal: there are more than 120 types of coffee plants. of coffee processing and fermentation techniques, infused your coffee is only years coffee has become more of an enjoyment for both
• Terroir: environmental conditions, soil composi- coffees are in a league of their own. Generally, people coffee professionals and consumers alike. I see it as part of
tions, microclimates that are unique to each growing region. consider a coffee to be infused if there is a trace in flavors fair to those who are the industry’s growth.”
• Processing: the steps involved in prepping the coffee of the substance that was added to coffee. I also sat down with Drew Dennehy, General Manag-
cherries for roasting, eg. fermentation. One could argue that adding coffee grounds to wa- pushing the special- er of THREE Specialty Coffee Roasters, he shares his
The producer has his work cut out for him. Multiple ter and extracting the flavors of coffee into the water thoughts on what infused coffees offer to a consumer, “It
stages of hard, long, and arduous labor of harvesting, fer- falls under the same concept but it is not as simple as ty coffee industry can be a great product since it has the ability to offer in-
menting, drying, and storing the coffee that produce those that. It is a broad terminology and can be further divid- tensity of flavors for a specific subset of consumers that
complex notes we all love and enjoy. There’s no question ed in to different processes that add aromatic compounds forward. don’t necessarily want to understand the way coffee is
coffee flavors are a prized possession in specialty coffee. like essential oils, aging in barrels and fermenting with grown or why coffee tastes the way it does. They just want
The more distinct they are, the more the coffee is sold for. fruits and spices. something that tastes good as long as it’s clearly denoted
What if there was another way to raise the value of We are all aware of all the unrecognizable and unpro- what that coffee is.”
these coffees by intensifying the tasting notes? nounceable ingredients that are added to processed foods. I remember how frustrating it was to drink coffee
Artificial flavorings and enticing aromas that attract and and not recognize what I was tasting, especially when
tempt our taste buds. the baristas described the coffee to me. Imagine experi-
The most famous infused coffee to make the news encing your coffee exactly the way it was described to
was the cinnamon coffee – in this case, cinnamon was you, tasting those stone fruits and mandarins. Perhaps
Fredrick Warrens added, not to aid in the fermentation process, but to make then coffee is taken more seriously and not passed off
the coffee tastes like cinnamon. Adding fruits is a com- as some commodity. The customer will have a preference
Head Roaster at mon practice to change the flavor of the coffee, either now in what he tastes rather than relying on coffee to
Grandmother Coffee Roastery
via infusion or as an enzymatic reaction that aids in the only fuel their energy levels.
fermentation process. I reached out to Irina Sharipova, a Coffee Consultant
Fruit-infused coffee can also be commonly referred and Educator based in the UAE, for her perspective, “I like
to as fruit maceration. According to Zest Coffee, whole the idea of infused coffees when farmers and producers try
fruits are put into the fermentation tanks along with coffee to improve the quality of the coffee but the problem arises
cherries to enhance the flavors of coffee. Maceration is Embracing Infused Coffees when the flavor profiles are pushed too far from the terroir’s
exactly that, the fruit is softened, and broken down, releas- natural taste. This can confuse the market and I can see it
ing its flavors and aroma into the green coffee. Ethiopia and Panama produce some of the finest cof- happen with consumers. Ultimately, it becomes hard for
Processing techniques such as carbonic maceration fees in the world. The growing conditions are ideal and us coffee professionals to explain what coffee should actu-
or lactic fermentation changes the taste of coffee by adding some producers have the budget to experiment with cost- ally taste like.”
carbon dioxide and yeasts in the fermentation tank. This ly fermentation processes. However, in other parts of the The question arises whether it could be seen as a
is done to control certain bacteria and microbes in the world, the conditions aren’t the same. According to an gateway to specialty coffee. Nawar has seen positive
process to break down the complex sugars in the mucilage article by Zest Coffee, Mohan Balaraman from Riverdale feedback from his customers in the form of repeated
of the coffee cherries to produce new flavor compounds Estate in India reports that fruit infusion is a cost-effective purchases. He explains, “If the process is paired with the
i.e. the coffee will not taste like the inoculated yeasts or way to produce exciting coffees while utilizing fruits grown right variety, it accentuates the cup for a customer and
other compounds added to the process and are not consid- on the same farm. they also end up having an educational experience. Con-
ered as infused. I spoke to Nawar Adra, the Founder of STITCH COF- sumers are always looking for new innovative ways to
Another technique that is not considered as infused FEE based in Australia, about his perspective on infused enhance their experience.”
is coffee soaked in its own juice, a concentrated liquid coffee and this is what he had to say, “Macerated coffee Fredrick Warrens, Head Roaster at Grandmother
containing coffee cherry juices and mucilage. However, with yeast fermentation has a lot of potential in the coming Coffee Roastery, thinks otherwise, “It could help with
aging coffee in rum, wine, or whisky barrels to absorb the years as it will help producers level up their game and re- identifying tasting notes for new consumers but also takes
aromatics already present within the environment are also duce challenges in the future for coffee production.” This away the identity of the terroir where the coffee originates
considered as infused. can be a great way to experience exotic notes in a coffee from. Instead of educating the customer about what a Bra-
Sometimes the microorganisms added during the without the producer breaking the bank and risk the coffee zilian or an Ethiopian coffee tastes like, ’marinating’ coffees
fermentation process are often debated and perceived as being rejected when experimenting with fermentation.” in substances to taste notes that were never experienced
adulterated. It’s a gray area since there are no standards Nameru Uprete, Head of Coffee at STITCH COFFEE, before is a step backward. There’s a misalignment with the
defined in this segment that require these coffees to be works with Nawar and is focused on creating an experience representation of the origin and that takes away the essence
labeled as “infused.” for his customers and is using infused coffees in ready-to- of specialty coffee.”
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