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Inclusive and Being Included to its people. We’re lucky to be seen by so many
customers. That reflects our relationship with the
At the Zhongdao Street store, the seating area is con- city, to be inclusive and be included.” Last year,
centrated across the street, where guests can look at Chengdu won first place in the list of China’s happi-
the small house while killing time. “It’s closer to est cities for its 14th consecutive year.
Chengdu’s local big-bowl tea culture. At People’s According to the Youth Entrepreneurship City
Park, you can see lots of locals reclining outside with Vitality Report 2021, Chengdu is ranked as the second
bowls of tea and melon seeds. They can spend the most desired destination by young entrepreneurs in
whole afternoon like this,” Chang says, adding “the China and has gradually become their new choice.
outdoor space is much more relaxing and free, match- The survey also shows that the entrepreneurial group
ing with the inclusiveness I want to give my guests.” is young in the city, with more than 80% of them
Open until 10 p.m., the store offers only coffee qui- under 37 and those born after 1985 serving as the
etly so us to not disturb the residents. They have pillar. Just as Chang said, he gave his youth to the
gotten along well with neighboring vegetable vendors. glorious city. In addition, the Chengdu Youth Devel-
They borrow tools from the vegetable shops and give opment Report 2022 shows about 9,603,600 of the
waste paper shells to the vendors. The vendors also Chengdu population is aged 14-45, accounting for
come for a drink when they have time. 45.87% of the permanent residents.
Chang also chose to live and start a business in “Possibilities are stronger where there are more
Chengdu because of the city’s inclusiveness. “I always youngsters. Countless people are working for Cheng-
take the city as a dense forest that allows everyone du, and the city embraces a new look every year.
to grow wild and free, different and unique. I don’t Young people know very well what they want, and
know whether it is because of the influx of youngsters they can build a better city if it will allow them to
over a short period, or the DNA-rooted mahjong and survive. It’s a nice virtuous cycle. Later on, some
leisure culture, the people here tend to be optimistic young people may move on to better cities, and some
and resilient, worldly and orderly, open and free. The return to their less-developed hometowns. However,
steampunk spirit has nothing to do with Chengdu, they will all be grateful to this inclusive city for
but the city’s inclusiveness grants more possibilities making them better,” Chang said.
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