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                                                          Coffee farmers in Altagracia were happy to cooper-              which did have all the Federation’s stamped documents   I grew up on the family farm with all my cousins. I
                                                      ate. Gradually, they formed a cooperative and together              and licenses. They bought coffee from the farmers at the   can’t remember how many there were in the family. We
                                                      harvested the best coffee from their farms to fill the two          same low price as the Federation, regardless of the cost   used to have another farm that belonged to my parents.
                                                      containers, each with a capacity of 20 metric tonnes and            of selecting good beans or the time and effort the farmers   There were rabbits, guinea pigs, coffee, herbs, fruit, cas-
                                                      both known as Café J. Even the Federation lent a hand by            put into growing good coffee. The tunnel narrowed once   sava and bananas, and a little hut where we never slept in
                                                      providing agricultural training, so that they could harvest         again to what it was at the beginning. We lost the clients,   because it was too crowded. That farm was as big as half
                                                      coffee beans with higher quality.                                   even though they might have received coffee in Canada   a block big, and maybe that’s why it was called Medio-
                                                          It didn’t go so well for Ángela’s son. Instead, it was          or Japan. Who knows, nothing mattered.       mundo (meaning half of the world). For me, it was the
                                                      more of a torture. Though he had sorted out all the paper-                                                       whole universe.
                                                      work,  he  was  ignored  by  the  Federation  every  time  he       Chapter 2                                        One day, my father told us he was seriously ill. I can’t
                                                      called  to  check  the  progress.  At  first,  he  was  told  the                                                remember how old I was, but emptiness still wells up in
                                                      documents would be reviewed, but later no one answered                  Clouds shrouded the sky, the rain was about to fall,   my chest when I think of the feeling of powerlessness. He
                                                      the phone. He decided to go to Bogotá and solve the prob-           a storm was looming … We looked at each other without   was the most important person in my life, carrying the
                                                      lem in person. Initially, he was rejected with excuses like         a word and ran up the hillside. The workers were already   pressure of raising seven children.
                                                      the person responsible for reviewing export documents               there waiting for us. They cut the agave leaves knives and   In Pereira, my father was declared hopeless by the
                                                      was  out  of  town  or  in  a  meeting.  Whether  for  him  in      removed the spikes; we put the leaves on our feet like   doctors; the family sent him to Bogotá, where an expert
                                                      Bogotá, his family in Altagracia, or the buyers in Canada           sleds or skis. The rain poured down and the storm creat-  in the team was a friend of his. We didn’t dare to sleep
                                                      or Japan, patience was slowly running out. Finally, one             ed  huge  rivulets  rushing  down  the  hillside  around  the   during those months, because we were not sure if some-
                                                      day, he couldn’t stand it anymore and decided to sneak              coffee trees. The coffee plantation became a giant chute   thing would happen to our father when we woke up. My
                                                      into the building to find the official who refused to see           and we slid down the stream, constantly bumping into   father’s  company  helped  a  lot,  but  the  money  was  not
                                                      him. He unlocked the combination lock, crossed the cor-             the coffee trees along the way. We knew we would be   enough, so we had to sell Mediomundo. Eventually, after
                                                      ridors, avoided the security guards and eventually arrived          chastised when we got home, but we still had a great time.   several months of closed treatment, my father recovered.
                                                      at the right office. He walked in without knocking.                 This was my childhood and my first encounter with cof-  He was under thirty years old and lived to the age of 92,
                                                          “Hello, you seem to have been avoiding me,” he said,            fee; it was more of an omen.                 when he passed away in peace.
                                                      “I am from Altagracia. You know very well why I am here
                                                      and I will not leave without an explanation.” “Okay,” the
                                                      officer replied, barely looking up as he was reviewing the
                                                      documents,  “you  should  know  that  we  need  one  more
            With the first sales with Le Garçon, Ángela raised   document.” “What do you need?” He asked in rage, “We
        the  money  to  roast  a  new  sample  of  beans;  completely   have sent you all the documents over thirty times.” “We
        selected beans for this time. The beans were sent abroad.   need a letter from your buyer. It should outline who the
        In Canada, she won the Cup of Excellence. It was not in   buyer is, how much coffee they are buying and where they
        her plan to go from smuggling coffee to winning an award   are shipping the coffee to.” “You think I’d be stupid to just
        in Canada for the quality. She never thought she would   give you the whole information about my client?” Anger
        be so lucky, if that could be called luck. The Chairman of   flared up in him, “You want me to give up my client to
        the Specialty Coffee Association of America and the client   you. You want to be the player and the referee. Don’t make
        who received the samples visited the farm a week after   a fool of me and be serious.”
        she  got  the  award.  An  agreement  was  reached  and  the    “Well then,” said the officer eventually, picking up a
        partnership began with two containers of coffee beans.   piece of paper on the right side of the table, “Let me tell
        Ángela  and  Gabriel  agreed  without  hesitation,  but  the   you something. You are the only one who came here and I
        challenge became even greater.                don’t want you to make this trip for nothing. Do you see
            Two containers of coffee beans meant a lot. They   the list of over a hundred items? They are all the coffee
        didn’t have enough coffee and had to work with farmers   exporters guaranteed by the Federation. Out of the 100-odd,
        in the village on a private basis. Gabriel took on the job.   guess how many of them can actually be permitted to export
        Moreover, shipping two big containers to Canada or Japan   coffee? Eight, yes, only eight. Now, you see why you and
        could no longer be done illegally through Ecuador. They   your farmers in Altagracia failed to meet the requirements?”
        had to face up the Federation squarely for an export per-
        mit. Only a few in the country had these documents. But           *
        there  was  no  need  for  them  to  hide  with  legal  foreign   There was a huge gap between the two sides. My son
        contracts in hand. The eldest son took on the daunting   returned to the farm, disillusioned. Many strange people
        task, while Ángela took the lead on everything. She became   joined the cooperative; they were not from the village.
        the head of the third-generation farm.        Soon there was a new coffee brand called Café J Excelso,

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