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Master and I met in Wuyi, and we hadn’t seen each
other for about six years. I studied tea culture at univer-
sity and worked as an intern in Shanghai for about three
years, during which I studied tea and traditional culture.
When I felt ready to return to the mountains, I naturally
went up there. When I first arrived, I knew no one but
felt a bond with the mountains, as if an old friend had
returned. Somehow a mysterious sense of connection.
Wuyi Journal, a book dating back to the Ming Dynasty,
stated that Wuyi Mountain could be comparable to Xiling
Lake and Mountain near West Lake. “West Lake is beau-
tiful and ethereal, while Wuyi Mountain is craggy and
special. West Lake shows up in a majestic stance, stand-
ing out with elegance; Wuyi Mountain is in a hidden
quality, standing out with its bones.” The description
applies not only to the Danxia landform of Wuyi Moun-
tain, but also to the nature of tea here. Surrounded by
rocky cliffs and hills, with the meandering stream flow-
ing through, Wuyi Mountain features a very different
image from other mountains. Its natural bones – the
thirty-six peaks, ninety-nine rocks and seventy-two caves
made up of rocky and gravelly soil – allows visitors to
understand the word “hidden” when they go deeper into
the mountain. Wuyi rock tea, one of China’s six major
teas, takes advantage of the special geological landscape we could combine life and tea together. That’s how we for tea, created farmland and planted fruit trees. We live a year to ensure the quality of the tea in spring, present-
and the natural environment, presenting the “rock bone set up the small yard “Qing Liang Di” (meaning a place on tea and also create a seven-room inn by chance. Near ing a cup of tea with natural terroir.
and floral fragrance”. For tea, it is indeed unique; though of cool tranquility). the Yellow Cypress River, we can look at the mountains “Water is boiling!”
the tea processing can make up the floral fragrance, rock How did we get this name? It was given by master afar or take a boat. The four seasons of changing details Thoughts were pulled back from thousands of miles
bones cannot be replicated, as it is a natural flavor shaped Le Tong when he first visited our place. The references are all captured by our eyes. It is quite close to the Chi- away. While everyone waited in silence, Zongzi offered
by the landscape. were the Buddhist saying “Qing Liang Di” and the nese mountain-style countryside life. to brew the tea. Since spring is our busiest time of the
Tea connects man and nature, and the spirit. First thought – provoking cautionary words “Those who are The 20 mu of tea land in the garden are in green, year, this trip was made before the season. During the
of all, it is a plant which has to rely on the growing only interested in profit will not find a place of cool with the flora and fauna living harmoniously in the great spring tea season, Zongzi, who has been drinking tea with
environment. Rooted in the Wuyi Mountain Ranges, tranquility”. The place was once a traditional house ecology. The composition of the soil below the surface me since she was just over a year old, would follow suit
the decent geographical location of biodiversity and surrounded by tea gardens, a simple space with natural of 70 cm is mainly rocky and gravelly soil, which is a and learn how to make tea herself. Putting on her own
climate conditions, along with mild and abundant rain- beauty. It is located in a small village to the north of the prerequisite for the quality of rock tea. Here, it is easy bamboo hat and staying barefoot, she would shake the
fall, are very suitable for crop growth. Tea expert Lin Wuyi Mountain scenic area. Visitors should go through to combine the natural environment and cultivation tea leaves, carefully settle the tea, and observe the bugs
Fuquan once said in his book, “There factors were in- the downtown area and the tea plantation to access; method together. What we need to do is to simply follow inside the tea – just like a little tea person.
tegral for tea: superior natural environment, right convenient and circuitous. This echoes with the poet natural farming methods and management, allowing the She lifted the pot, brewed the water and produced
cultivation and proper harvest.” After studying the craft Wang Anshi’s saying, “Visitors gather at places easy to land to grow wild. We do the weeding without removing the soup, carefully, slowly and smoothly. The tea smoke
of Wuyi rock tea for three years, I followed the tea road access, and only a few will go to isolated areas.” My the roots, so that the soil structure can stay intact, hence rose. I liked the tea brewed by Zongzi; it was natural tea
and began to look for a place with my husband where husband and I built our house here, cultivated the land maintain ecological balance. We harvest only one season soup with no rules!
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