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             Coffee practices in developed
             countries also have great potential

             to promote fair wages for farmers.

                 Regarding  coffee,  although  Sicily  is  experiencing   researching and fighting the diseases that, as we know, is
             climate change, what hasn’t changed is a warm, dry climate   the main problem in tropical countries. The only downside
             that helps keep disease at a minimum and mineral-rich   is the required attention and time dedicated to developing
             dark soils that enhance the quality of the fruits. In addi-  such research,” Adriano noted.
             tion, the eastern part of Sicily has historically been a very   Adriano believes each origin, and more than that,
             fertile area. Thanks to the volcano Etna, the soil is full of   each farm plantation, could be different and special in
             nutrients and minerals, and this is exactly what coffee   some way, depending on the farmers’ goal and the depth
             growing needs.                               of knowledge of its consultants. Choosing the right variety
                                                          or species, improving processing in terms of control of
             Will Coffee  Share  the  Same  Fate  With    variables and hygiene, managing the environment with
             Wine Here?                                   other cultivations, and using organic nutrients are the
                                                          keys to produce a different and high-quality coffee.
                 With  its  nearly  250,000  acres  of  vineyard  area,   “Farmers will be the main character of the fourth
             Sicily is among the top three largest wine-growing re-  wave  in  the  coffee  industry.”  Adriano  added,  “Coffee
             gions in Italy.                              practices in developed countries also have great potential
                 The Sicilians have been making wine since 4000 B.C.   to promote fair wages for farmers.”
             Their dry, warm climate is characterized by regular sun-  Besides the experimental plantation in Italy, Adria-
             shine and moderate rainfall, which is suitable for wine   no is putting most of his efforts in Ethiopia, India, Nepal
             production. The dry conditions reduce the chances of rot   and Peru. He pointed out that India is the country that in
             and mold, especially in areas kissed by coastal winds. This   the  last  years  has  made  gigantic  progress  on  handling
             makes Sicily a prime candidate for organic farming. Olives,   coffee and that from an agronomic point of view they’re
             citrus and grains drive the agricultural sector beyond wine.  among the best producers. Nowadays it’s truly hard find-
                 According to world’s leading wine media brand De-  ing coffee trees in India without shadow or in single origin.
             canter, 30% of the vineyard area in Sicily is cultivated   The  cultivation  inside  a  forest  system  allows  so  many
             organically and another 20% has integrated pest manage-  advantages, such as keeping the biodiversity, the possibil-
             ment, making a total of 50%.                 ity of cultivating other products (fruits, spices, and le-
                 “The wine industry changed a lot in the last few   gumes) in the same space, an essential fight against climate
             years We’ve seen, for instance, the natural wine trend   change and the atmospheric adversities and the significant
             going around a lot in our region. Producers began paying   reduction of fertilizers. India could truly be a model to be
             more attention to the cultivation process and producing   followed by other countries.
             and bottling organic and natural wines. The same trend   With  the  coffee  growing  experience  acquired  in
             could happen with coffee regarding the Italian market.   various countries by Adriano, we can expect more stories
             More people start paying attention and changing their   about coffee from his plantation, La Finca Balistrieri. Also,
             behavior,” Adriano said.                     Adriano told us that there are at least four on-going ex-
                 It’s still too early to determine the impact of this   periments in Sicily regarding coffee. It is located on all
             new origin for the coffee industry, “The advantage is that   sides of the country with different climates, for example,
             we have the resources to do more research, like the re-  coffee was also harvested in Sicily’s western side last year.
             search  on  genetics  and  coffee  varieties  and  especially   We can definitely expect more coffee stories from Sicily.

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