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 Nevertheless,  we  cannot  deny  that  technology   ice cream to make it smoky. Low-temperature cold ex-
 brings a lot of possibilities to ice cream. A hundred   traction to obtain plant cell fluid so that it can transform
 years ago, when chefs created ice cream, they created   more different ingredients into flavors. “Every step of
 a new form of dessert. Nowadays, chefs and ice cream   technological development is encouraging innovation in
 makers are still trying to subvert people’s perception   ice cream,” Subraina said.
 of ice cream thanks to the most advanced technology   When  talking  about  what’s  the  next  wacky  ice
 in  the  food  industry.  One  of  the  most  recognized   cream they want to create, both Subraina and Joane al-
 technologies used in ice cream is molecular gastron-  ready  got  some  ideas  they  want  to  try.  As  Halloween
 omy.  Initially  introduced  by  the  legendary  Spanish   drew near during our interview with Joane, she told us
 restaurant El Bulli, again a world-famous fine-dining   that she was trying to infuse the sweet and salty Japanese
 restaurant has now become the selling point for a few   curry flavor into the plant-based pumpkin ice cream as
 ice cream brands.   a special flavor for the holiday. Meanwhile, Subraina is
 For example, the chain brand Creamistry uses liq-  thinking of getting hands-on experimenting with seafood
 uid nitrogen to instantly freeze ice cream. It not only   or  pickles.  However,  whatever  it  would  be,  Subraina
 gives the ice cream a more decadently rich creamy flavor   believed  that  the  core  is  to  make  the  ice  cream  flavor
 but also makes it possible to turn any ingredient into ice   interesting  and  tasty  while  aligning  with  her  goal  of
 cream flavors. Other critical technologies that help ex-  making the best use of local ingredients.
 pand  ice  cream  flavors  are  advanced  food  processing   As for future innovation in the ice cream industry,
 technology, new storage methods as well as cold chain   ice  cream  entrepreneurs  should  never  forget  to  “stay
 transportation.  These  technologies  help  to  bring  rare   consistent, stay creative. Be brave, be bold, be different
 ingredients to the studios and into customers’ hands as   with creating flavors,” as Joane suggested. Today’s wacki-
 new wacky flavor ice creams. Moreover, smoking equip-  est ice cream flavor could be the most common and welcomed
 ment can allow ice cream makers to replace the air in   flavors ten years later. Who knows?

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