Dale Harris is the new World Barista Champion of 2017. The most prestigious coffee competition of the year, the World Barista Championship, was held last November in...
Recreating the world of Wes Anderson in the fine city of Chengdu. After studying for a couple of year in Melbourne and getting inspire by local coffee...
Following a fantastic 2017 event in Seoul, the World Barista Championship (WBC) now heads to Amsterdam from 20-23 June, 2018, taking place at the World of Coffee Amsterdam show at RAI centre. 2018 is the 19th year...
A Japanese barista that sets new standards by working hard, being brave and giving back. Barista Championship 2017 in Seoul had many memorable and emotional moments. One...
The 2018 World Brewers Cup (WBrC) and World Cup Tasters Championship (WCTC) are moving to Belo Horizonte, Brazil, joining the World Latte Art Championship and World Coffee...
The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) has partnered with the Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) to launch an annual World of Coffee Dubai trade show within the GulfHost...
From 1 to 10 June in Colombia, the 4th edition of the only international talent event dedicated to top-quality coffee, created by the Italian barista championFrancesco Sanapo,...